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A Prickly Problem/Gr脿ineag Bhiorach
Episode 12 of 20
Children's series. Timmy decides to help the hedgehogs find a resting place for the night but ends up leading them into a series of scrapes.
Tha Timmy a' cuideachadh nan gr脿ineagan 脿ite s脿mhach a lorg airson na h-oidhche. Ach ge bith d猫 ni e, an 脿ite oidhche mhath cadail fhaighinn dha charaidean, 's ann a tha e gam faighinn ann an duilgheadas.
Timmy decides to help the hedgehogs find a resting place for the night. However, he ends up leading his weary friends into a series of scrapes rather than giving them a good night's sleep.
Last on
Sun 16 Aug 2020