Episode 2
Another selection of Gaelic songs and poetry from the First World War, with separation as the theme.
Tha sreath 霉r de Chuimhneachan a' toirt thugaibh 貌rain agus d脿in bhon Chiad Chogadh, le fiosrachadh air c貌 rinn iad agus carson. Bidh na h-貌rain air an seinn le Jenna Chuimeanach, Seumas Greumach, Murdigan D貌mhnallach agus E貌ghann MacEanruig, le taic ci霉il bho Ingrid NicEanruig, Hamish Napier agus Anna Massie. 'S e 'sgaradh' cuspair an d脿rna phr貌gram agus an iomadh se貌rsa sgaraidh a th脿inig an cois a chogaidh. 'S e sgaradh a' bh脿is cuspair an 貌rain Mar Chuimhneachan air Murchadh MacIll'Fhinnein le Catr矛ona NicLe貌id. B' ann 脿 Ste貌rnabhagh a bha Murchadh agus chaill e a bheatha aig Bl脿r Loos. Anns an 貌ran tha cr脿dh a leannain, Catr矛ona, follaiseach. 'S e an sgaradh a thug an cogadh air E貌ghainn MacFhionghain 脿 Eilean Eige, agus a charaidean bho l脿ithean 貌ige cuspair 脪 Tha Mi'n Diugh Trom fo Lionn-Dubh.
A new series of Cuimhneachan presents another selection of Gaelic songs and poetry from the First World War. The songs are sung by Jenna Cumming, James Graham, Murdigan MacDonald and Ewen Henderson, with musical support from accomplished artists Ingrid Henderson, Hamish Napier and Anna Massie. Separation is the theme of the second programme and the many forms of separation that resulted from the war. Death is the ultimate separation and in the song In Memory of Murdo MacLennan, Catherine MacLeod's grief at the death of her fianc茅, Murdo MacLennan, from Stornoway, at the Battle of Loos, is poignantly expressed. The separation of Hugh MacKinnon from Eigg from his childhood friends who died in the Great War is the subject of I am Today Sad and Mournful. Looking around Eigg he sees reminders everywhere of the times they spent together in their youth.
In Gaelic with English subtitles.