Documentary series. An armed robber is tracked down to the Netherlands, six years after a violent escape.
Six years after a violent escape, a chance encounter with Dutch police brings a dangerous robber to justice. Noel Cunningham tried to steal more than a million pounds from a cash-in-transit van in Brixton, south London, over a decade ago. After years on the run, intelligence from the UK's National Crime Agency linked the armed robber to the Netherlands. In Amstelveen, on the outskirts of Amsterdam, a local policeman was sent the fugitive's mugshot. Thirty minutes later he spotted the fugitive in a bar and called for back-up.
In London, DS Pete Rance and his team from the Metropolitan Police's extradition unit are faced with a challenge. A Turkish man convicted of death by dangerous driving should be going home. He is due to board a plane at Heathrow, but he is refusing to leave his flat. Will the officers manage to get him extradited?
More than 3,000 children and adults were reportedly trafficked into Britain in 2015. In January 2016, a van coming from Dieppe was stopped at Newhaven. It looked empty, but behind a false wall, officers found eight migrants crammed into a secret compartment. And when French intelligence suggested the trafficking ringleader lived not in Dieppe but in Derby, the National Crime Agency stepped up their investigation.