Episode 6
Sweeny reflects on how year two on the croft has gone. It's been another busy one that's seen him diversify.
Anns a' phr貌gram mu dheireadh den t-sreath tha Sweeny a' me貌rachadh air mar a chaidh an d脿rna bliadhna air an lot. 'S e bliadhna thrang eile a th' air a bhith ann a tha air fhaicinn a' feuchainn slighean 霉ra, agus le crodh agus an tuilleadh mhucan am measg an stuic aige, that c霉isean air a bhith a' dol gu math. As d猫idh an uiread 霉ine a chur dhan ghn矛omhachas ge-t脿 a bheil e idir nas fhaisg air a mh貌r mhiann a bhith ri croitearachd l脿n 霉ine. An t-seachdain-sa tha naidheachd aige mu bheachd 霉r, agus tha e gu math d貌chasach gun cuidich seo e gus amas a choileanadh!
Sweeny reflects on how year two on the croft has gone. It's been another busy one that's seen him diversify, and with the addition of cows and more pigs to his livestock things have gone well. After investing so much time in building his business, is he any nearer his dream of crofting full-time? Sweeny reveals another new venture which might well be just what he needs to achieve his goal.
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A' leudachadh an stoc
Duration: 02:34