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Episode 1 of 2

Torcuil MacLaomainn hosts the first of two Christmas chat show specials. Guests include Donnie 'Dotaman' MacLeod, Debbie Mackay and Dòl Eoin Mackinnon.

Tha Torcuil MacLaomainn air a dhòigh is e a' faighinn a' phrògram fhèin mu dheireadh thall agus anns a' chiad prògram bidh e a' comharrachadh na Nollaig còmhla ri aoighean sònraichte Donnie 'Dòtaman' MacLeòid, rionnagan Bannan Debbie NicAoidh agus Dòmhnall Eòghainn MacFhionghain agus buanaiche Bonn Òir a' Mhòid Joy Dunlop. Bidh ceòl ri chluinntinn bhon choisir Atomic Piseag agus an còmhla Tidelines agus bidh geamannan is fealla-dha gu leòr a' dol is Torcuil an tòir an Nollaig Ghàidhlig as fheàrr.

Torcuil MacLaomainn finally gets his very own chat show and in the first of two specials he's celebrating Christmas. His guests include Donnie 'Dotaman' MacLeod, stars of ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Alba's drama, 'Bannan' Debbie Mackay and Dòl Eoin Mackinnon and Mod gold-medallist Joy Dunlop.

There's great music from Atomic Piseag and Tidelines, party games, presents and lots of laughs as Torcuil goes in search of the perfect Gaelic Christmas. Its festive fun but in Torcuil's inimitable and unique style!

44 minutes

Last on

Christmas Eve 2017 22:00


Role Contributor
Presenter Torcuil MacLaomainn
Interviewed Guest Debbie Mackay
Interviewed Guest Dòl Eoin Mackinnon
Interviewed Guest Joy Dunlop
