M貌d na Cloinne
Oigridh a shoirbhich aig M貌d na Cloinne 2016. Cathy MacDonald presents another opportunity to enjoy some of the successful performers from the Children's Mod 2016.
Cothrom coimhead air ais c貌mhla ri Cathy NicDh貌mhnaill air cuid dhen 貌igridh leis an do shoirbhich aig M貌d na Cloinne ann an 2016. Bha am M貌d N脿iseanta R矛oghail anns na h-Eileanan an Iar airson an t-siamhamh turas agus abair toiseach t貌iseachaidh a fhuair iad leis an fheadhainn 貌ga. Th貌isich na farpaisean seinn airson luchd-ionnsachaidh air an Diluain agus an ath-latha bha farpaisean airson nam fileantach.
Ch矛 sibh luchd-buannachd bhon d脿 latha sin, nam measg na seinneadairean a bhuannaich na pr矛omh dhuaisean airson luchd-ionnsachaidh, Buinn Airgid Cuimhneachain Sheumais Mhic a' Ph矛, agus an nighean 's an gille a thog leotha Buinn Airgid a' Chomuinn Gh脿idhealaich - M脿iri Callan 脿 Glaschu agus Samuel MacAoidh 脿 Le貌dhas.
Cathy MacDonald offers another opportunity to enjoy some of the successful performers from the Children's Mod 2016. For the first time, the Mod took place in the Western Isles and the week got off to a great start with the children's competitions.
Monday was the day the young learners were to the fore, while on the following day the competitions were aimed at native speakers. Winners from both days are shown including the winners of the James C MacPhee medals and also the young girl and boy who won the Comunn G脿idhealach Silver Medals, Mairi Callan from Glasgow and Samuel MacKay from Lewis.