Second of a two-part documentary in which Trusadh visits the busy hub that is Lewis Crofters - an agricultural co-operative that has been serving local crofters for nearly 60 years.
Anns an dà rna pà irt den Trusadh shònraichte seo, tadhlaidh sinn a-rithist air Croitearan Leòdhais - co-chomann à iteachais a tha air a bhith a' frithealadh croitearan na sgìre fad 60 bliadhna, agus aon de na bùithtean as trainge ann an Leòdhas agus na Hearadh. Le còrr is 20,000 neach a' fuireach san dà eilean, tha iarrtas mòr air a' bhùth, agus tha iomadach rud aca - bho stuthan airson a' chidsin gu aodach son a bhith a-muigh, agus bho ghnothaichean feansaidh, gu biadh nam beathaichean!
In this second of a two-part Trusadh special, we're back visiting the busy hub that is Lewis Crofters - an agricultural co-operative that has been serving local crofters for close to 60 years, and one of the busiest shops in Lewis and Harris.
With a population of over 20,000 people between both islands, the shop is very much in demand, with products varying from kitchen essentials to outdoor clothing, and from fencing to all types of feed for the croft! With the busy gardening season on the horizon it's all go as the staff get the stock changed, with customers coming and going as they get all their gardening essentials.
We meet young crofter Iona Mackenzie as she visits the shop not only for animal supplies, but hardware essentials for her big renovation project. With the feeding season coming to an end, John Murdo is spending less time out delivering and more time in the yard. Meanwhile, manager Alasdair faces staffing problems as he gets ready to go away on holiday.
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