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Episode 5

European current affairs. Darren Laing reports from Kosovo on the establishment of Serb associations, and Alasdair Fraser looks at the impact of bullfighting subsidy cuts in Spain.

Air program ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ na seachdainsa, tha Darren Linc ag aithris à Cosobho air stèidheachadh nan ùghdarrasan Sèirbeach gus sgìrean anns a bheil mòr-chuid Seirbeach a riochdachadh, agus leis an Aonadh ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ch a' lùghdachadh taic-airgid airson sabaid nan tarbh sa Spàinn, tha Alasdair Friseal a faighinn a-mach de a' bhuaidh a bhitheas aig seo air cultar traidiseanta na dùthcha.

Darren Laing reports from Kosovo on the establishment of Serb associations for the majority Serb areas within Kosovo, and with the European Union cutting subsidies for bullfighting in Spain, Alasdair Fraser finds out what impact this will have on a traditional culture.

30 minutes

Fèin-riaghladh do Sherbaich Chosobho

Fèin-riaghladh do Sherbaich Chosobho

Bho ghairm Cosobho neo-eisimeileachd bho Serbia ann an dà mhìle ‘s a h-ochd, tha Serbaich na dùthcha air a bhith airson aonachadh a-rithist ri an nàbaidh mu thuath. Ge-tà, leis a h-uile coltas nach eil sin gu bràth a’ dol a thachairt, tha an aire a-nisd air linn ùr de dh’fhèin-riaghladh an taobh a-staigh Chosobho fhèin. Mar phàirt de dh’aonta a chaidh a ruighinn eadar an EU, Serbia is Cosobho, tha na sgìrean ann an Cosobho far a bheil Serbaich sa mhòr-chuid gu bhith air an tarraing còmhla fo bhratach ùr – an Caidreachas de dh’Ughdarrasan Ionadail Sherbach. Bidh cumhachd aige airson foghlam, slàinte is leasachadh eaconamach, ach feumaidh iad obrachadh an taobh a-staigh Chosobho is chan ann mar phàirt de Sherbia. Do chuid de dh’Albàinich Chosobho tha e a’ toirt an dùthaich aca nas fhaisge còmhla, aonaichte. Dha na Serbaich, tha dùil gum bi an guth aca nas cruaidhe ri chluinntinn is iad uile còmhla sa Chaidreachas. Ge-tà, ‘s ann a tha feadhainn fiadhaich gu bheil seo a’ sgarradh an dùthaich a rèir cinneadh. Tha Darren Linc ag aithris air an t-suidheachadh.

Self government for Kosovo’s Serbs

Since Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, many Serbs there have pushed for reunification. However, with nothing to suggest that that will ever happen now, their attention has turned to a new goal – a new era of self-government in Kosovo itself. As part of an agreement reached between the EU, Serbia and Kosovo, the municipalities where Serbs are in the majority will together form a new entity – the Association of Serb Majority Municipalities. It’s likely that it will have powers over education, health, as well as economic development, but it will have to operate within Kosovo’s own state structure. Not as a de-facto part of Serbia as has been the case in some municipalities prior to now. Many of Kosovo’s Albanians see this as something which will strengthen their country’s sovereignty. Serbs see it as potentially giving them a stronger voice together in Kosovo. However, there has been criticism that the Association seeks to divide Kosovo along ethnic lines. Darren Laing reports.


Role Contributor
Presenter Darren Laing
Presenter Alasdair Fraser


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