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Episode 2

Sandra Murray looks at how people create their own style and explores styles across the generations. In this episode, an aunt and her niece talk about their individual fashion.

Tha 'Stoidhle - The Dressing-up Box,' a' tilleadh gu ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ ALBA. Ann an cuideachd an couturier ainmeil Albannach Sandra Mhoireach, bi aoighean a' cruinneachadh ann an Taigh Aigas, faisg air a' Mhanachain air a' Ghàidhealtachd. Gach seachdain coinnichidh Sandra ri daoine aig a bheil ùidh mhòr ann an aodach. Bidh i a' coimhead ri mar a tha stoidhle air atharrachadh thairis air na ginealaichean - bho vintage gu punk, agus a' faighinn a-mach ciamar a tha daoine a' cruthachadh stoidhle sònraichte dhaibh pèin.

San dàrna phrògram tha Sandra còmhla ri MJ Mason agus piuthar a' màthair Sineag Wilcken. Bidh iad a' bruidhinn air mar a tha na dithis aca a' taghadh an cuid aodaich agus dè tha'd ag radh ris an saoghal leis an t-aodach a tha'd a' cosg. Cuideachd bidh Sandra a' coinneachadh ri Robert Lovie, manaidsear Caisteal Fyvie airson Urras Nàiseana na h-Alba, fear aig a bheil ùidh mhòr ann an aodach Albannach.

Starring one of Scotland's most renowned couturiers, Sandra Murray, Stoidhle/The Dressing Up Box explores clothes and what people say to the world through what they wear. Each week, Sandra is joined by guests at Aigas House, near Beauly in the Highlands, and together they explore the importance of fashion and design to them personally. Sandra charts styles across the generations, from vintage to punk, and discusses with her guests how they create their signature look.

In this episode, Sandra is joined by MJ Mason and her aunt Jane Wilcken, who talk about what they look for and what they say with their individual fashion. Sandra also meets Robert Lovie. Manager of Fyvie Castle for the NTS, he has a passion for collecting and wearing traditional Scottish attire.

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Sandra Murray
Interviewed Guest MJ Mason
Interviewed Guest Jane Wilcken
Interviewed Guest Robert Lovie
