Cook and artist Heather Dewar explores Hebridean communities. In this episode, Heather explores the island of Mull, where she heads off to see some white-tailed eagles.
Anns a' phrògram seo tha i ann am Muile, an tòir air sealladh dhe na h-iolairean-mara a tha air a bhi a' neadachadh ann, agus a' seòladh a-null gu mìorbhuilean Stafa agus an Uaimh Bhinn.
Tha Fraoch a' coinneachadh ri còmhlan-seinn a tha cruinneachadh son òrain a' ghabhail, agus a' tadhal air an aona tuath-bhainne a th'air fhà gail, far a bheil dà sheòrsa cà ise ga dhèanamh. Tha e a' còrdadh rithe fìor mhath coinneachadh ri neach-ealain eile: ceà rd-airgid a tha ag innse dé tha ga misneachadh agus dé tha fà gail Muile cho math airson gnìomhachas sheudan.
In this programme, Heather explores the island of Mull. She goes to see the white-tailed eagles currently taking up residence on the island and takes a boat out to the geological wonder that is Staffa and Fingal's Cave.
Heather meets the locals at a Gaelic singing workshop and calls in on the island's only dairy farm where cheddar and blue cheese are made. As an artist herself Heather is excited to meet a local silversmith and artist who tells her about her inspiration and why Mull is such a great location to set up her jewellery business.
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Staffa agus an Uaimh Bhinn
Duration: 02:12
An còmhlan seinn ‘Mull Musical Minds’
Duration: 01:47
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Heather Dewar |
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