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Dublin/Baile 脌tha Cliath

Episode 2 of 7

Series in which Julie Fowlis and Muireann NicAmhlaoibh investigate the music and culture of Scotland and Ireland. In this first episode, they visit Dublin.

Sreath aithriseach ci霉il 霉r ann an cuideachd Julie Fowlis agus Muireann NicAmhlaoibh, 's iad air slighe rannsachaidh mu na freumhan aca fh猫in, a-nochd ann am Baile 脌th-Cliath.

N矛 Port taisbeanadh air na ceanglaichean dualchais a tha eadar dithis a tha air a bhith na 'n caraidean 's na 'n companaich-ci霉il fad iomadh bliadhna.

Tha an seinneadair Darren MacIlleathain agus am p矛obaire Carole-Ann NicAoidh a' tadhal air grunnd ionadan cli霉iteach ann am Baile 脌th-Cliath ann an cuideachd Julie is Muireann.

Musical documentary with Julie Fowlis and Muireann NicAmhlaoibh as they take to the road to explore their shared musical roots.

In Dublin, Port reveals their shared musical heritage.

Port celebrates the common musical heritage of the longtime friends and collaborators as they cross borders and traditions between the west of Ireland and the Western Isles, meeting and playing with friends and musicians en route.

Singer Darren MacLean and piper Carole-Anne MacKay join our musical hosts for a tour of several iconic venues. True to form, Dublin doesn't disappoint and gives up some musical gems.

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Julie Fowlis
Presenter Muireann NicAmhlaoibh
