Dan an D貌bhran M貌r/Oscar the Giant Otter
This episode features Oscar, a six-month-old giant otter who lives with his family in Cocha Salvador, a freshwater lake in the Amazon Basin.
Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom.
Today's focus is on Oscar, a six-month old-giant otter who lives with his family in Cocha Salvador, a freshwater lake in the Amazon Basin in Peru, one of the most bio-diverse areas of rainforest in the world. Amazon giant otters really are giants. At nearly two metres long from nose to tail, they are the largest of the world's otters and the most sociable, living in noisy groups of up to 20.
Giant otters are experts at high-speed underwater pursuit. They live almost entirely on fish, and together Oscar's family eat an amazing 25 kilos of fish every day. However, the murky lake waters hide a formidable enemy: the black caiman, a South American crocodile. When there is a caiman about, Oscar learns the importance of family.
Sreath a tha a' toirt thugainn fiosrachadh a tha inntinneach agus iongantach mu chuid de na h-ainmhidhean as fhe脿rr leinn.
An-diugh, tha sinn a' coinneachadh ri Dan, d貌bhran m貌r a tha 6 m矛osan a dh'aois agus a tha a' fuireach ann an Cocha Salvador, loch f矛or-uisge ann an Srath an Amason ann am Peru, t猫 de na raointean coill-uisge as l脿ine de fhiadh-bheatha air an t-saoghal. Tha d貌bhrain mh貌ra an Amason dha-r矛ribh m貌r. Aig faisg air d脿 mheatair, 's iad na d貌bhrain as motha san t-saoghal agus bidh iad a' fuireach ann am buidhnean de suas ri 20.
Tha d貌bhrain mh貌ra s貌nraichte math air sealg aig astar fon uisge. Tha iad be貌 air iasg agus ithidh teaghlach Dan 25 cileagraman 猫isg gach latha! Ach tha aon n脿mhaid cunnartach am falach san uisge dhorcha, an caiman dubh, crogall m貌r. Agus nuair a tha caiman mun cuairt, tha Dan ag ionnsachadh cho cudromach is a tha teaghlach.
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Sgeulachd an d貌bhran m貌r
Duration: 01:40
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