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Grand Tours of the Scottish Islands Clips
The monks of Papa Stronsay—Series 2, Keeping It All Together
Duration: 02:17
Eileach an Naoimh—Series 2, So Near, So Far
Duration: 01:32
Stone skimming on Easdale Island—Series 2, So Near, So Far
Duration: 02:20
Puffin therapy—Series 2, Far from the Madding Crowd
Duration: 01:41
The Mull Rally—Series 2, Far from the Madding Crowd
Duration: 01:54
Climbing Am Basteir—Series 1, Skye: Against the Odds
Duration: 01:34
Kinloch Castle—Series 1, Small Isles: Small Is Beautiful
Duration: 01:26
The edge of the world—Series 1, From Foula to Fair Isle
Duration: 01:36
Birdwatching on Fair Isle—Series 1, From Foula to Fair Isle
Duration: 01:40
Otter watching on Arran—Shorts, Episode 1
Duration: 03:01