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Children's animated series. Joey meets a guy who tells him that he has special mental powers. However, the team know that this isn't true.

Tha Joey a' coinneachadh ri fear a tha ag innse dha gu bheil cumhachdan s貌nraichte aige le inntinn. Tha l脿n fhios aig An Sgioba nach eil seo idir f矛or agus gu bheilear a' feuchainn ri brath a ghabhail air agus airgead a thrusadh aig a' cheart 脿m!

Joey meets a guy who informs him that he has special mental powers. But the team know that this isn't true at all and that the guy is taking advantage of Joey, whilst also trying to get cash out of him at the same time!

23 minutes
