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Episode 8

Episode 8 of 9

Gaelic motoring show. Murray is in Angus celebrating 100 years of Aston Martin, while over on the Black Isle Donald 'Sweeny' MacSween is testing the Dacia Duster.

'S e am prògram mu dheireadh dhen t-sreath seo a th' ann agus tha Murray ann an Siorrachd Aonghais 's e a' comharrachadh 100 bliadhna dhen Aston Martin còmhla ri feadhainn de chlub a' chàr sin. 'S e an Aston Martin an càr as fheàrr le James Bond - ach dè mu Mhurray? Air an Eilean Dubh, tha Dòmhnall 'Sweeny' MacSuain ann an Dacia Duster.

Chan e gu bheil e cho spaideil sin, ach 's e bargan a th' ann aig £9000 - an ceannaicheadh e fear dhiubh ma-thà? Tha Donaidh a' sealltainn an Audi coupe aige fhèin agus bidh an triùir phreasaintearan a' dèanamh nas urrainn dhaibh ann an Rèisean Craicte mu dheireadh na sreath. Cò gheibh Cuach nan Rèisean Craicte? Am bi Murray air thoiseach air càch?

It's the last programme in the current series, and Murray is in Angus celebrating 100 years of Aston Martin with members of the exclusive Aston Martin Owners Club. It's James Bond's car of choice - but what about Murray?

Over on the Black Isle, Donald 'Sweeny' MacSween is testing the Dacia Duster. It's a no frills 4 wheel drive for the bargain price of £9,000 - so would he buy one? Donnie is showing off his own classic Audi coupe and all three presenters give everything on the Wacky Race track in the final race of the series. The winner of the Wacky Race Cup is revealed - but has Murray done enough to retain his lead?

30 minutes
