Part-Time Working
Paul Lewis and a panel of guests answer calls on part-time working.
Got a question about working part time? To ask about employment rights, paying tax or claiming benefits while holding down a part time job call 03700 100 444 from 1pm to 3.30pm on Wednesday or e-mail now.
Whether you're a student, a parent or an older employee wanting to combine claiming a pension with part time work, you may have questions about contracts, pay or holidays.
Are you able to request fewer or more hours at work?
What happens if you want to become self-employed?
How can you be sure you're paying the right amount of tax and national insurance?
Can you claim benefits while working part-time?
Whatever your question our team will be waiting to help. Paul Lewis will be joined by:
Sarah Veale, Head of Equality and Employment Rights, TUC
Will Hadwen, Benefits Adviser, Working Families
Jane Moore, Technical Manager, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Call 03700 100 444 between 1pm and 3.30pm on Wednesday or email now. Standard geographic charges apply. Calls from mobiles may be higher.
Presenter: Paul Lewis
Producer: Diane Richardson.
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- Wed 11 Sep 2013 15:00成人快手 Radio 4 FM