The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil
The 1974 TV adaptation of John McGrath's iconic 7:84 play about the exploitation of the Scottish people through history, from the aftermath of Culloden to the oil boom.
Tionndadh telebhisean Play for Today bho 1974 air an dealbh-chluich iomraiteach a' sgr矛obh John McGrath air a chuir air adhart leis a' companaidh cluich 7:84. Tha an dealbh-chluich ag aithris air cuid de thachartasan ann an eachdraidh na h-Alba a' t貌iseachadh ann an 1746 as d猫idh bl脿r Ch霉il Lodair. Tha iomradh air a thoirt air fuadaichean bho chuid de dh'oighreachdan na Gaidhealtachd airson 脿ite a dh猫anamh do chaoraich mhaola; tha dealbh dha tharraing air sealg fh猫idh air monaidhean airson sp貌rs san 19mh linn agus tha cuisean a' tighinn gu cr矛ch anns na 1970s le sp脿irn na h-ola anns an Chuain a' Tuath. Tha cleasaichean cli霉teach a' nochdadh, nam measg, Dolina NicIllinnein, John Bett, Alex Norton, Bill Paterson, Alan Ross, Elizabeth NicIllinnein agus Daidhidh MacIllinnein.
The 1974 Play for Today drama documentary adaptation of John McGrath's iconic play staged by the 7:84 theatre company, exploring some elements of Highland and Scottish history. Opening post Culloden in 1746 and continuing to the early 19th century clearance of crofters from some estates in the Highlands to make way for the more economically viable Cheviot sheep. It stays with the theme of land use and ownership with a view on the development of hunting as a sport in the Highlands in the 19th century and closes with an exploration of aspects of the North Sea oil boom of the 1970s. Featuring performances from an all star cast including John Bett, Alex Norton, Bill Paterson, Alan Ross, Dolina Maclennan, Elizabeth Maclennan and David Maclennan.
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- Sat 7 Jan 2012 23:25