Episode 6
It's all about speed and power at Knockhill's Modified Live. Fiona lives the good life in the Range Rover Sport and Murray investigates insurance deals for young drivers.
Tha f脿ileadh nan rothan agus na h-ola anns an eadhar - agus tha Calum Iain aig Knockhill airson nan r猫isean E貌rpach aig Modified Live. Tha astar agus tachartasan gu le貌r ann agus thathar a' d猫anamh l脿n fheum de chuairt Knockhill, agus tha iomadach atharrachadh rim faicinn air na c脿raichean.
Tha Fiona a' faighinn tlachd aig r猫isean cuideachd - tha i aig St脿blaichean Taigh Arlary 's i a' coimhead air na h-eich aig an t-s脿r thr猫anar, Lucinda Russell, gan cur a ruith. Tha i cuideachd a' dr脿ibheadh agus a' toirt beachd air an Range Rover Sport 霉r - saoil d猫 shaoileas i dhe?
Bheil thu nas 貌ige na 25? An do dh'fheuch thu a-riamh air 脿rachas c脿r fhaighinn? Seall fhad 's a bhios Murray a' feuchainn air 脿rachas fhaighinn gun a h-uile sgillinn a tha aige a chosg air.
Agus tha barrachd Wacky Races againn dhuibh - agus tha spr霉illeach gu le貌r anns an fhear seo!
The smell of burning rubber is in the air - Calum Iain is at Knockhill for Modified Live's Time Attack Trials and the European Drift Championships. There's plenty of speed and action as the Drifters make full use of the Knockhill circuit, plus every kind of modification on view.
Fiona is also enjoying the races - she's at Arlary House Stables watching champion trainer Lucinda Russell's thoroughbreds being put through their paces. She's also test driving the new Range Rover Sport - odds on it's a winner?
Under 25? Ever tried to get car insurance? Watch as Murray investigates the best way to get covered without robbing the bank.
And there's more Wacky Races for your entertainment - this time it gets messy!
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Tha fuaim gu le貌r ann, tha e luath agus gu math, math daor
Duration: 02:18
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Calum Iain Mackenzie |
Presenter | Murray MacLeod |
Presenter | Fiona MacKenzie |