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Bipolar and Me

Episode 2 of 21

Rhoda Meek hears from others who have experienced mental health problems, and tries to learn from how they have managed to cope.

Tha Rhoda Meek air a bhith a' fulang le trom-inntinn bho bha i na deugaire. Aig 19 bha i na preseantair air a' phr貌gram chloinne D猫-a-nis? Beothail agus de貌nach feuchainn air a h-uile sp貌rs is cleasachd, shaoileadh tu nach robh c脿il a' cur dragh oirre. Ach bha, 's i a' str矛 gu m貌r le trom-inntinn tro na bliadhnaichean sin. Bho chionn d脿 bhliadhna, th貌isich Rhoda, mar a tha i fhein ag r脿dh, "a' dol suas is s矛os na h-inntinn", agus chaidh d猫anamh a-mach gu bheil i a- nis le bipolar 2.
Ann an Suas is s矛os nam Inntinn tha sinn a' leantainn Rhoda air turas pearsanta, agus iomadh ceist aice. Tha duilgheadasan no trioblaidean inntinn a' bualadh air 1 anns a h-uile 4 againn ann an Alba. Ach ged a tha e cumanta, tha Rhoda mothachail air an eagal a tha gl猫 thric ga chuartachadh. Cho duilich 's a tha e do dhaoine aideachadh gu bheil duilgheadas inntinn orra, neo air duine anns an teaghlach aca, agus bruidhinn a-mach mu dheidhinn.

Rhoda Meek has suffered from depression since she was a teenager. At 19 she was a presenter on the children's programme, D猫 a-nis? Bubbly and with a 'give anything a go' attitude, you would never have known that beneath the surface, something was troubling her. But it was, as she battled with depression through these years. Two years ago, Rhoda found herself having intense mood swings - going from being in a great mood to becoming extremely irritable - and was diagnosed with bipolar 2.

Bipolar & Me is Rhoda's personal journey as she explores the many different aspects of mental health. Mental health problems affect 1 in 4 of Scots. However, despite this high prevalence, Rhoda is all too aware of the fear that often surrounds the illness.

1 hour



Role Contributor
Presenter Rhoda Meek
