Episode 4
Anne Morrison presents highlights from the Kelso Country and Western Music Festival, including performances from Henry Smith and Country Dreams, Shooter and the Haley Sisters.
Tha Anne Mhoireasdan a' toirt thugainn cuid de na p矛osan as fhe脿rr bho f猫is-ci霉il d霉thchasach 脿 Cr矛ochan na h-Alba. Am measg na c貌mhlain-ci霉il a tha a' toirt chun na h-脿rd 霉rlar- Henry Smith & Country Dreams, Shooter agus Jacki Hudson. A bharrachd air a' che貌l, gheibh sinn taisebanadh air leth s貌nracihte bho na Haley Sisters agus cluinnidh sinn bho fhear an taigh fh猫in - Dave Cash.
Anne Morrison presents highlights from the Kelso Country and Western Music Festival. Among the artists showcased at the festival are leading British acts such as Henry Smith and Country Dreams, Shooter and Jacki Hudson. In addition to the live music, Anne enjoys an exclusive acoustic performance from the Haley Sisters, and festival compere Dave Cash explains what makes a good MC.