We all know what was happening at Westminster Abbey on 29th April 2011, but what was everyone else in the country up to?
Tha fios againn uile d猫 bha a' dol aig Abaid Westminster air an 29mh dhen Ghiblean 2011, ach d猫 bha a h-uile duine eile san d霉thaich ris? As d猫idh m矛osan de dheasbad anns na meadhanan, tha l脿 m貌r na bainnse air tighinn oirnn, agus tha Prionnsa Uilleam a' p貌sadh a leannan, Kate Middleton. Fhad 's a tha m貌ran san D霉thaich Aonaichte a' gabhail an cothrom an l脿 a ghabhail dheth, tha feadhainn eile a' gearain gu bheil an teaghlach r矛oghail na shamhla air a h-uile rud a tha ce脿rr ann am Breatainn. Bheir sinn s霉il air na bha farsgaineachd de dhiofar dhaoine ris air an 29mh, agus le sin, n矛 sinn dealbh de bheachdan an l脿 an-diugh air an teaghlach r矛oghail.
We all know what was happening at Westminster Abbey on 29th April 2011, but what was everyone else in the country up to? After several months of media frenzy, the big day is finally here and Prince William is marrying his university sweetheart Kate Middleton. While many in the UK are celebrating with the couple, and enjoying a day off with family and friends, others see the royal wedding as a good opportunity to vent their frustrations about the royals and the UK political system. We take a look at what some very diverse groups of people are doing on April 29th and in doing so, get a snapshot of modern attitudes towards the royals.
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Trusadh : L脿 M貌r na Bainnse
Duration: 01:47