Adam Walton investigates biofuels with scientists across Wales who are working on the BEACON initiative which aims to convert crops into the green fuel of the future.
Adam Walton explores biorefining, and how various crops are being cultivated that could be used by industries for future products such as fuels, textiles and cosmetics.
Professor Iain Donnison of the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) in Aberystwyth who is leading the BEACON bio-refining research, shows Adam some of the crops, including miscanthus and clover which are being grown for future use in bio-refining.
Aberystwyth University is working on the BEACON project in partnership with Bangor and Swansea Universities, and in the programme we also hear from Professor Steve Kelly from Swansea and Dr Robert Elias from Bangor.
The BEACON project is building links with industry in Wales, the UK and internationally to develop fuels and products which could benefit our future needs in transport, health and foods.