Episode 5
Evelyn Coull at the Kelso Country and Western Festival in the Scottish Borders. Featuring Hillbilly Deluxe, Wrangler and Middi. Evelyn takes a tour of Kelso with a local historian.
Tha Evelyn Coull gad thoirt mun cuairt fèis ciùil duthchasach ann am baile Cealsach ann an Crìochan na h-Alba. Am measg nan còmhlain is seinneadairean ri'm faicinn aig an fhèis, tha Hillbilly Deluxe, Wrangler agus Middi a' gabhail chuin an à rd ùrlar. A bharrachd air a chèol, tha Evelyn a' gabhail cuairt còmhla ri eòlaiche eachdraidh ann an Cealsach, airson barrachd fhaighinn a-mach mun sgìre. Tha i cuideachd a' feuchainn air iasgach, spòrs agus gnìomhachas a tha air leth cudromach san à ite.
Evelyn Coull at the Kelso Country and Western Festival in the Scottish Borders. Among the bands and singers taking to the stage at the festival are Hillbilly Deluxe, Wrangler and Middi. In addition to the music, Evelyn takes a tour of Kelso alongside a local historian to learn more about the town. She also attempts some local fishing, an important sport and industry for the area.
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Middi – Speed of the Sound of Loneliness
Duration: 02:42
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Evelyn Coull |
Performer | Hillbilly Deluxe |
Performer | Wrangler |
Performer | Middi |
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