Can the team at Fraser and Fraser's find anyone entitled to a share of Alan Hall's estate? Heir-hunting company Hoopers are asked to take on the case of a career woman.
Alan Hall died suddenly at 52, before he had time to write a will. He'd always been surrounded by friends and was a popular character in the Rutland village where he'd spent his entire life. After a few false starts in their investigation, the heir hunters team at Fraser and Fraser's finally hit the right track, but will they be able to find anyone entitled to a share of his estate, which is estimated to be worth approximately 拢100-150K?
Meanwhile, heir-hunting company Hoopers are asked to take on the case of Kathleen Cundall. She died in a nursing home aged 83 without leaving instructions for her substanstial 拢300,000 estate. The search for her heirs reveals the life of a career woman who served in the WAAF before entering an altogether more glamorous world.