See Hear asks whether deaf prisoners are receiving equal treatment, and we hear more from new mum Melissa and her Baby Diaries. With Radha Manjeshwar and Memnos Costi.
See Hear asks whether deaf prisoners are receiving equal treatment. In one part of the country, the mother of a deaf teenager in a Young Offenders' Institute fears that her visits are his only opportunities to communicate, as he is the sole sign language-user in the prison. She is worried that without interpreter support on the education and rehabilitation courses he needs to attend, her son is unlikely to qualify for early release. At another prison, deaf chaplain Vera Hunt volunteers to visit deaf prisoners to provide emotional support, and she teaches other inmates basic BSL.
Plus, more from new mum Melissa's Baby Diaries, in which baby Isobel remains in hospital, having been rushed to the Special Care Unit after suddenly starting to have fits.
With Radha Manjeshwar and Memnos Costi.