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Luchd-obrach na h-oidhche. The unsung street heroes of the night shift.
Luchd-obrach na h-oidhche - a' cumail sr脿idean a' bhaile glan agus s脿bhailte. Luchd-glanaidh an t-sr脿id, luchd-obrach CTV, manaidsearan nan clubaichean oidhche agus dr脿ibhearan tacsi ; d矛reach feadhainn de na gaisgich a tha cleachdte gu le貌r a bhith ag obair ann am bailtean na h-Alba tron oidhche.
Night workers keep city streets clean and safe. Street cleaners, CCTV operators, nightclub hosts and taxi drivers are just some of the unsung heroes of the night scene in Scotland's cities.
Last on
Tue 11 Sep 2012