Bee Movie
Pre-school animated series featuring Alan Titchmarsh as the voice of Gordon, a gardening Gnome. Gordon interviews Bees for the position of garden honey maker.
Pre-school animated series featuring Alan Titchmarsh as the voice of Gordon, a cheerful gardening Gnome.
Gordon gets permission from the Chief Gnome to build a Bee Hive in his garden, so that he can collect some fresh honey for his breakfast. He plants lavender to attract the bees and conducts interviews with queen bees to live in the hive. But the queen and drone he selects are a little fussier about their living quarters once they know the hive is theirs.
Poor Gordon is given the run-around, rearranging his garden and building additional accommodation. Then Gordon discovers that his bees are bumblebees, not honeybees, and will never produce enough honey to share with him, so they have to go!
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- Sun 21 Sep 2008 16:50