Sunday Feature Episodes Available now

Stirring Up a Revolution
Tarek Osman explores the significance of the caf茅 and how it has shaped the Middle East.

A Cultural History of Syphilis
Writer Sarah Dunant explores the social, cultural and human histories of syphilis.

Wagner - Making a National Hero
Stephen Johnson explores Wagner's heroes and charts how Wagner became a national hero.

Jan Morris - Travels Round My House
Jan Morris, who first reported the conquest of Everest, looks back on her adventures.

Renzo Piano's Music Boxes
Tom Service investigates how architect Renzo Piano uses music to inspire his buildings.

Along the Highland River
Poet Kenneth Steven goes to the source of Neil Gunn's novel Highland River.

50 Years of the Traverse Theatre
Joyce McMillan on the past, present and future of Edinburgh's Traverse Theatre, now 50.

RS Thomas - Always Seeking Greater Silence
Jon Gower explores poet RS Thomas's life and work through the prism of birdwatching.

The Ideas that Shaped the Baroque
Professor Tim Blanning explores the shifting ideas that nurtured and shaped the Baroque.

The Road to Redemption—The Idea of Sin
3/3 The Rev Richard Coles focuses on the idea of redemption in sacred and secular societies.