The Long View Episodes Episode guide
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The Long View of the Anti-Vaccination Movement
Jonathan Freedland explores the roots of the anti-vaccination movement.
The Long View of an acrimonious and disputed US election
Jonathan Freedland presents stories from the past and compares them with current events.
The Long View of Celebrity Sports Campaigners
Jonathan Freedland compares celebrity sports campaigners past and present.
Dominic Cummings and Civil Service Reform
Jonathan Freedland presents stories from the past and compares them with current events.
Presidential Elections & Racial Turmoil
Jonathan Freedland explores presidential elections fought amidst racial turmoil.
The Long View of Theatre Closures
Jonathan Freedland presents stories from the past and compares them with current events.
Jonathan Freedland and guests explore how Britain has recovered from crises in its history
Racism in sports crowds
Jonathan Freedland takes the Long View of racism in sports crowds.
Impeaching a President
History series in which stories from the past shed light on current events
Huawei and Siemens
Jonathan Freedland takes the Long View on technology companies and state espionage
Extinction Rebellion and the Bonfire of the Vanities
History series in which stories from the past shed light on current events
Women in Intelligence and Cybersecurity
Jonathan Freedland looks at women's roles in intelligence now and during WWII.
Julian Assange and Robert Ferguson
Jonathan Freedland compares Julian Assange to a pamphleteer and fugitive of the 1680s.
Gender in women's sport
Jonathan Freedland takes the long view of the gender debate in women's sport.
Brexit and European Diplomacy
Jonathan Freedland compares Brexit with tensions between Offa and Charlemagne in the 790s.
Elon Musk's Hyperloop and Brunel's Atmospheric Traction Rail
Jonathan Freedland compares inventions by inventors Elon Musk and Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
Gambling and New Technologies
Jonathan Freedland asks how new technologies transformed gambling in the 1840s and today.
The Long View of would-be reforming leaders
Jonathan Freedland compares a Saudi prince with a medieval pope.
Prime Ministers and Divided Parties
Jonathan Freedland compares Theresa May's woes now with those of Arthur Balfour in 1903-06
Russian Expulsions
Jonathan Freedland and guests take the Long View on the expulsion of Russian diplomats.
Driverless Cars and the Railways of 1830
Jonathan Freedland compares safety on the railways in the 1830s to driverless cars today.
Facebook revelations and the Reformation
The Facebook Cambridge Analytica data and the Catholic church in pre-Reformation Europe.
Trump and Hamilton on American Trade
Jonathan Freedland on Donald Trump's trade plans and Alexander Hamilton's financial plan.
Brexit Special
The Long View marks a year to go with a Brexit special edition.
Catalonia and Cornwall
Jonathan Freedland looks at past events which shed light on present-day controversies.
The rise of Uber and the plight of London's watermen
Jonathan Freedland compares the plight of black cab drivers with that of 18thC watermen.
Russian meddling in the American democratic process
Jonathan Freedland compares attempts to interfere in elections.
Weakened Prime Ministers
Jonathan Freedland compares Theresa May's weakened premiership with Lord Rosebery in 1894.
Jonathan Freedland takes the long, unshaven view of the recent fashion for beard-wearing.