Pr貌gram 3 (Sreath 6)
1-2 aubergineachan
3 clòbhan creamh, air am pronnadh le spàinn-bheag de shalann
Druthag fìon-gheur fìon geal
1 liomaid, sùgh a-mhàin
2 spàinn-mhòr tahini
3 spàinn-mhòr ola chroinn-ola
1 spàinn-mhòr pearsail
- Cuir forc tro na h-aubergineachan gus tuill a chur unnta. Cuir fon ghrile gus a bheil an craiceann air a dhàthadh agus dubh agus gus a bheil na tha bhroinn bog nuair a thèid a bhrùthadh (bheir seo timcheall air 15-20 mionaidean, gan tionndadh lethach tro bhith gam bruich)
- Ann an inneal-bìdh, pronn an creamh leis an t-sùgh liomaid, am fìon-geur fìon geal, tahini, ola chroinn-ola agus piobar.
- Nuair a tha e fuar gu leòr a làimsheachadh, geàrr na h-aubergineachan nan dà leth agus sguab a-mach na tha na bhroinn. Measgaich taobh a-staigh nan aubergineachan leis na th’ air fhàgail de ghritheidean.
- Cuir ann an soitheach snog agus cuir druthag ola chroinn-ola air a’ mhuin cuide ris a’ phearsail.
1 – 2 aubergines
3 garlic cloves, crushed with a teaspoon of salt
Splash white wine vinegar
1 lemon, juice only
2 tbsp tahini
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley
- Prick the aubergines with a fork. Grill the aubergines until the skin is charred and blacked and the flesh feels soft when you press it (this will take approximately 15-20 minutes, turning halfway through cooking).
- In a food processer crush the garlic with the lemon juice, white wine vinegar, tahini, olive oil and pepper.
- When cool enough to handle, cut the aubergines in half and scoop out the flesh. Mix the soft flesh with the remaining ingredients.
- Place in a serving dish and finish with a drizzle of olive oil and sprinkle the parsley over the top
1x 400g cnogan peasairean-circe, air a shìoltachadh
2 clòbha creamh, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Sùgh 1 liomaid
80ml ola chroinn-ola extra virgin
1 spàinn-mhòr tahini
Sùgh air a shìoltachadh bho na peasairean-circe, no deigh
Dearcan sumac air am pronnadh
- Cuir na peasairean-circe ann an sìoltachan thairis air bobhla no siuga gus an t-sùgh a ghlacadh. Cuir na peasairean-circe, an tahini agus an creamh ann an inneal-bìdh agus bleith gus a bheil e mìn.
- Measgaich spàinn-mhòr de shùgh nam peasairean-circe beag air bheag an lùib a’ hummus gus a bheil e a’ faireachdainn ceart. Dh’fhaodar deigh a chleachdadh cuideachd airson seo a dhèanamh.
- Cuir druthag dhen t-sùgh liomaid na mheasg agus seàsan le salann agus piobar mar a tha e a’ còrdadh riut fhèin.
- Cuir crathadh dhen na dearcan sumac air a’ mhuin airson a sgeadachadh.
1 400g tin of chickpeas, drained
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
Juice of 1 lemon
80ml extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp tahini paste
Liquid reserved from the chickpeas, or Ice cubes
Crushed sumac berries
- Drain the chickpeas into a sieve set over a bowl or jug to catch the liquid. Tip the chickpeas, tahini, garlic and into a food processor or blender and whizz to smooth.
- Whizz in a tbsp of the chickpea liquid at a time until you have a nice consistency, then scrape into a bowl. Ice cubes can also be used for required consistency.
- Stir in a squeeze of lemon juice and season to taste.
- Sprinkle sumac berries on top to garnish.
Feòil gobhair
Cous cous
Sìol gràn-ubhail
Goat meat
Cous cous
Pomegranate seeds
2 spàinn-bheag sìol choramain
2 spàinn-bheag sìol chardamoin
1 spàinn-bheag clòbhan slàn
2 spàinn-bheag sìol cumain
1 spàinn-bheag Allspice
1 spàinn-bheag dinnsear
1 spàinn-bheag cainneal
Piobar dubh
Ola chroinn-ola
- Còmhdaich an fheòil-gobhair leis an ola chroinn-ola agus na seachd spìosran. Cuir cling film mu thimcheall air agus fàg san fhuaradair airson dhà no thrì uairean a thìde.
- Teasaich an ola ann am pana agus fraidhig an ola, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil e bruich.
2 tsp coriander seeds
2 tsp cardamom pods
1 tsp whole cloves
2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp Allspice
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
Black pepper
Olive oil
- Marinade the goat by coating it in olive oil and rubbing the 7 spice mix on the meat. Cover in cling film and set aside in the fridge for a few hours.
- Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the meat, cooking through.
Cous cous
Uinnean dearg, air a shliseadh gu mìn
Mionnt, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Coireaman, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Criomagan tiolaidh
Cnò-almoin, air a thostadh
Sùgh liomaid
Red onion, finely sliced
Mint, finely chopped
Coriander, finely chopped
Chilli flakes
Toasted almonds
Lemon juice
Na dh’fheumas de stoc airson a’ chous cous.
A’ cur –
Stob caineil
Sìol cumain
- Dòirt an t-stoc thairis air a’ chous cous agus fàg gu aon taobh a rèir a’ phacaid.
- Cuir forc tron chous cous agus measgaich an t-uinnean dearg troimhe, cuide ris a’ chreamh. Cuir criomag no dhà dhen tiolaidh agus an cnò-almoin na mheasg, leis an coraman, mionnt agus an t-sùgh liomaid.
Stock as required for the couscous.
Adding -
Cinnamon stick
Cumin seeds
- Pour stock over the couscous and set aside according to the instructions on the packet.
- Fluff the couscous and mix finely sliced red onion through it, along with finely sliced garlic clove. Add a few chilli flakes and mix, toasted almonds. coriander, mint, lemon juice.
Iogart nàdarra
Bad mionnt, air a ghearradh gu mìn
½ cùlaran, air a bhleith, leis an t-sùgh air a bhruthadh às
1 clòbh creamh, air a ghearradh gu mìn
Druthag sùgh liomaid
Bloigh salann
- Measgaich na gritheidean uile gu lèir. Fàg san fhuaradair gus a bheilear deiseil a chleachadh.
Natural yoghurt
Bunch of mint, finely chopped
½ cucumber, grated and juice squeezed out of it.
1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
Squeeze of lemon juice
Pinch of salt.
- Mix all the ingredients together. Place in the fridge until ready to use.
Ola chroinn-ola
1 mearag-bheag, air a shliseadh
1 aubergine, air a shliseadh
- Teasaich an ola ann am pana greideil.
- Sàill a’ mhearag-bheag agus an aubergine gus an tig an t-uisge asta.
- Cuir ola air a’ ghlasraich agus cuir crathadh dhen na seachd spìosran orra.
- Fraidhig air a’ ghreideal iad dìreach gus an nochd loidhnichean a’ ghreideil.
Olive oil
1 Courgette, sliced
1 Aubergine, sliced
- Heat olive oil in griddle pan.
- Salt the courgette and aubergine to release water
- Oil the veg and add a sprinkling of the 7 spice.
- Griddle fry them until they are simply charred.
1kg sliasaidean circe
1kg chicken thighs
1 clòbh creamh, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 spàinn-mhòr coraman mìn
1 spàinn-mhòr cumain
1 spàinn-mhòr Allspice
1 spàinn-mhòr cardamon mìn
1 spàinn-bheag piobar cayenne
1 spàinn-bheag paprika
Bloigh sumac
Sùgh 2 liomaid
3 spàinn-mhòr ola chroinn-ola
Piobar dubh
- Measgaich na gritheidean gu lèir còmhla ann am bobhla.
- Geàrr a’ chearc na striopan.
- Suath am brìgheachadh dhan chearc agus fàg san fhuaradair airson co-dhiù dà uair a thìde, no nas fheàrr buileach, tron oidhche.
- Nuair a tha cothrom-brìgheachaidh air a bhith aig a’ chearc, teasaich an ola ann am pana agus bruich a’ chearc airson 4-5 mionaidean gach taobh.
- Thoir a’ chearc às a’ phana agus cuir ann am bobhla. Fàg gu aon taobh fhad ’s a thathar ag ullachadh an aran-rèidh.
- Blàthaich an t-aran-rèidh ann am pana tioram.
- Cuir an t-aran air bòrd agus cuir measgachadh de iogart, sùgh liomaid agus bloigh sumac air a’ mhuin.
- Cuir sailead air muin sin – duilleagan, slisean tomato, slisean uinnean dearg agus stiall a’ chearc air a’ mhuin.
- Cuir an t-aran mu chuairt na than a bhroinn agus geàrr na dhà leth.
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 tbsp ground coriander
1 tbsp ground cumin
1 tbsp Allspice
1 tbsp ground cardamom
1 tsp ground cayenne pepper
1 tsp smoked paprika
Pinch of sumac
Juice of 2 lemons
3 tbsp olive oil
Black pepper
- In a bowl, mix all the marinade ingredients together.
- Cut the chicken into strips.
- Rub the marinade into the chicken and set aside in the fridge for at least 2 hours, ideally overnight.
- Once marinated, heat oil in a frying pan and cook the chicken pieces for 4 - 5 minutes on each side, ensuring it is cooked through.
- Remove from the pan and place in a bowl. Allow to rest while you prepare the flat breads.
- Warm the flat bread in a dry pan.
- Lay the flat bread out, layer a mix of yoghurt mixed with lemon juice and a pinch of sumac.
- Lay salad of your choice, leaves, sliced tomatoes, sliced red onion, and shred pieces of the chicken on top.
- Wrap the flat bread and cut in half, to serve.
Duilleagan pastraidh filo
125g càise ricotta
125 càise mozzarella
1 spàinn-bheag càrdamon mìn
2 spàinn-mhòr flùr air a mheasgachadh le 1 spàinn-mhòr bùrn gus taois a dhèanamh
1 liotair ola glasraich airson fraidhigeadh
Filo pastry sheets
125g Ricotta cheese
125g Mozarella cheese
1 tsp ground cardamom
2 tbsp of flour mixed with 1 tbsp water to form a paste.
1 litre vegetable oil for frying
450g siùcar castair
250ml bùrn
Bloigh/staimean cròch-dhearg
3 sìl càrdamoin
- Tòisich le bhith a’ dèanamh an t-siorap siùcair. Feumaidh seo a bhith fuar mun àm a thig e gu bhith a’ fraidhigeadh am pastraidh.
- Cuir gritheidean an t-sioraip ann an aon phana agus cuir air teas àrd.
- Measgaich gus an tig an t-siorap chun a’ ghoil.
- Ìslich gu teas meadhanach ìosal airson 10 mionaidean eile, gus a bheil an t-siùcar air leaghadh uile gu lèir agus gus am fàs an t-siorap nas tìghe. Ma thathas a’ cleachdadh teas-mhèidh, thathas ag iarraidh gum bi e aig 110C (230F).
- Thoir an t-siorap far an teas agus leig leis fuarachadh a rèir teas an t-seòmair.
450g castor sugar
250ml water
Pinch/strand of saffron
3 cardamom pods
- Begin by making the sugar syrup (you’ll need this to be cold by the time it comes to frying the pastry).
- In a saucepan, combine all the syrup ingredients and place on a high heat.
- Keep stirring till the syrup starts boiling.
- Reduce the temperature to a medium to low heat for a further 10 minutes, until all the sugar has dissolved and the syrup has become slightly golden and thicker. If you are using a thermometer, you are looking for a temperature of 110°C (230°F).
- Remove the syrup from the heat and allow it to cool at room temperature.
- Stiall am mozzarella na phìosan beaga agus measgaidh leis an ricotta agus an càrdamon mìn.
- Measgaich le chèile agus fàg gu aon taobh.
- Sgaoil na duilleagan pastraidh fa leth air a chèile agus còmhdaich le clobhd fliuch gus nach tiormaich am pastraidh.
- Shred the mozzarella into tiny pieces and then combine them with the ricotta and the ground cardamom.
- Mix it all together and place to one side.
- Separate the pastry sheets and keep them wrapped in a damp cloth to ensure that they don’t dry out.
Airson am pastraidh a roiligeadh
- Gabh aon duilleag pastraidh.
- Measgaich a’ chàis còmhla agus cuir mu ¾ spàinn-bheag dhen chaise aig a’ bhonn (fàg beàrn air oir a’ phastraidh)
- Dèan cinnteach gu bheil am pastraidh sa mheadhan, no ’s dòcha gun spùt e a-mach na cliathaichean nuair a thathas ga roileadh.
- Gus an roiligeadh a thòiseachadh, an toiseach cuir an dà oisean dhan mheadhan gus triantan a dhèanamh (mar gum biodh dol a dhèanamh itealan pàipeir), gus a bheil a’ chaise air a’ chòmhdach.
- An uairsin, gu cùramach, paisg an oisean aig bonn an triantain agus roilig suas chun an fhìor mhullach.
- Nuair a ruigeas tu am mullach, fàg beàrn beag. Cuir do chorrag dhan taois fhlùr agus cleachd sin gus glaodh a dhèanamh dhan phastraidh. Ni seo cinnteach nach fhosgail am pastraidh nuair a thèid a bhruich.
- Dèan an aon rud leis a’ chòrr dhen a’ phastraidh.
To roll the fingers
- Take one sheet of pastry.
- Mix the cheese together and place about ¾ tsp of the cheese mixture at the bottom (leave a slight edge to grab the pastry).
- Make sure your cheese is in the centre, otherwise some of it may escape when it comes to rolling the pastry.
- To begin the roll, first turn both corners into the middle to form a triangle (as if you are about to create a paper airplane) so that the cheese is covered.
- Next, carefully take the bottom corner of the triangle and fold it over tightly. Then continue to roll all the way to the top.
- When you get to the top, leave a slight edge. Take your finger, dip it into the flour paste, rub it along the end part of your pastry and seal it across. This will ensure that the fingers don’t unravel when they are frying.
- Repeat the steps above for the rest of the fingers.
A’ fraidhigeadh a’ phastraidh
- Nuair a thathar a’ cleachdadh pastraidh filo no samosa, feumar a fhraidhigeadh ann an ola fhuar a thèid teth. Tha seo a’ dèanamh cinnteach gun tig gach duilleag a-mach criospach.
- Lìon wok meadhanach mòr le ola (na cleachd pana mòr or bu chòir dhan ola bhith domhainn)
- Cuir na corragan pastraidh dhan ola, a’ dèanamh cinnteach nach cuir thu cus ann còmhla. An uairsin cuir suas an teas.
- Nuair a thòisicheas dath a’ tighinn air na corragan, cuir an teas sìos beagan gus dèanamh cinnteach gun tèid am bruich gu ceart. Cùm ort a bhith gan tionndadh gus an tig dath òr orra.
- Cho luath ’s a tha iad deiseil, cuir air pàipear-cidsin gus an ola a bharrachd a shùghadh.
- An uairsin cuir dhan t-siorap iad le cùram agus measgaich gus a bheil iad air an deagh chòmhdach. Sgeadaich le cnothan-almoin air an tostadh agus sìol gràn-ubhail.
- Ith sa bhad.
Frying the fingers
- When using filo or samosa pastry you’ll need to fry from cold to hot oil. This ensures that all the layers come out crispy and also retain their crispiness.
- Fill a medium sized wok or sauce with oil (don't use a big pan as you want the oil to be deep).
- Place the fingers in the oil, making sure not to put too many in the pan together. Then turn the heat up high.
- Once the fingers begin to brown, reduce the heat slightly to ensure that they cook evenly. Keep turning them until they are completely golden.
- As soon as they are ready, turn them onto some kitchen roll to soak up excess oil.
- Then carefully drop them into the syrup and mix until they are fully coated. Sprinkle toasted almonds and pomegranate seeds over the top.
- Serve straight away.