Top Tips on the cost-of-living crisis and where people can turn to if they are experiencing difficulties.
The UK is in the grips of a cost-of-living crisis and as we feel the squeeze on our income, how many of us are asking or seeking out valuable help? In the studio (Tuesday 17th October 2023) we had experts Sara Pennell and Kara Gammell giving some top tips on how and where the public can turn to if they are experiencing difficulties.

According to recent research conducted by Royal London, only 1 in 8 - 12% - of people asking for help compared to 6 months ago, although that rises to 22% of people aged between 18-29. And worryingly, for those who were in financial crisis, those who most need help, that's dropped from 76% of people seeking help, down to 54%.
Even more shockingly research by Money Super Market suggests that someone who is earning an average UK wage of 70% of that now goes on household bills and living expenses when 30 years ago that figure stood at just 29%.
Billions of pounds are also unclaimed in state benefits every year, so there's definitely financial help that isn't reaching people it should. So it's worth everyone taking time to use a benefits calculator, because there are some benefits that are not means-tested that you might be entitled to. Those calculators are free and confidential and it takes about 10 minutes. Turn2us, Entitled To and Better Off are the main three places to turn to.