成人快手 Music Day featured across the nations on 成人快手 Television, Radio and Online, with special programmes, performances and activities taking place throughout Thursday 26th September and the surrounding days.

The #成人快手MusicDay hashtag on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram documented what happened on the day and across the week, and feel free to watch and share the video on this page, a poem for 成人快手 Music Day, written and recorded by poet Tony Walsh.
Blue Peter Music Badge
Blue Peter launched the first ever Blue Peter Music Badge on 成人快手 Music Day, designed by Ed Sheeran. Click here to find out more.
成人快手 Music Day Mash Up
成人快手 Local Radio Stations celebrated the power of music for wellbeing and how music can unite and connect us, as part of 成人快手 Local Radio’s Music Day Mash Up.
On air, diverse music genres from each area showcased unique music performances in special locations, and was reflected by 成人快手 Local Radio, 成人快手 Nations Radio and 成人快手 Regional TV.
Get Singing
成人快手 Music Day teamed up with 成人快手 Education’s Bring the Noise, Ex Cathedra: Singing Playgrounds, Young Voices, Sing Up, Chiltern Music Therapy, Music Action International and 成人快手 Ten Pieces to inspire children to get singing for wellbeing in schools across the UK. Visit the Get Singing page to get involved.
Music and Dementia
With its focus on music & wellbeing, 成人快手 Music Day 2019 kick started its initiaitve to help bring music to everyone living with dementia by 2020, working with all major organisations in this field. The latest version of the groundbreaking website 成人快手 Music Memories was released alongside a brand new digital tool, 成人快手 Memory Radio. Find out more on the Music and Dementia page, and the Music Memories and 成人快手 Memory Radio page.
The 成人快手 is not responsible for the content of external sites.
Find out what happened for 成人快手 Music Day 2019 across the UK
Music & Dementia Events
highlighted specially written blogs and talking to those who are hosting events for the music & dementia initiative.
shared stories of supporters who have used music to connect with those with dementia.
asked people to share their favourite memories and feelings evoked by live music on Twitter.
, the UK’s largest music therapy charity, is raised awareness of the power of music on 25 September through Get Loud, their national awareness day. 12 celebrated UK artists performed at the same time in 12 intimate venues across nine cities in the UK, uniting supporters and music fans around the UK in a giant celebration of music, health and wellbeing. Find out more .
encouraged those living with dementia to share their personal experiences about the power of music to their online ‘Wall of Memories’
hosted over 120 community-led Musical Teas across the country. To find out more information, click .
launched their Kids Music Detective guide, teaching children how to use 成人快手 Music Memories to create a playlist.
invited those caring for people living with dementia to their sessions free of charge across the week of Music Day. Held nationwide in almost 400 locations, the events are listed .
Musical Map was launched on Thursday 26th September, with a call to action for all those providing musical services for people living with dementia to upload their services onto the map from Music Day onwards.
Music & Dementia Events
promoted Music Day through their Dementia Friends network.
and UWS launched the Grace Notes project, creating bespoke songs about the lives of people living with dementia.
hosted a Cats Pyjamas Production sessions at Rubislaw Park Care 成人快手 and Craigelea Care 成人快手.
hosted a Boogie Beat Intergenerational session at Kingsgate Care 成人快手.
hosted a tea party for people living with dementia, their loved ones and supporters. 26th September, 2-3:30pm, Festival Theatre, Edinburgh. This event was open to the public.
hosted a relaxed community cinema afternoon, showing The Full Monty. 27th September, 2pm, Prestwick Community Centre. This event was open to the public.
hosted a dementia friendly health walk. 23rd September, 11am, Prestwick seafront. This event was open to the public.
and the hosted Kaitlin Ross and Catriona Hawksworth for an afternoon of beautifully performed Scottish traditional tunes and songs at this relaxed event. 24th September, 2pm, MacRobert Centre. This event was open to the public.
put on a private performance by traditional voice and guitar duo Calum Morrison and Catherine Tinney at Ochil Care 成人快手.
put on a private performance by traditional fiddle and guitar duo Robbie Grieg and Hamish Macleod at Greenfield Park Care 成人快手.
put on a private performance by classical violin and accordion duo Valerie Barr and Eddy Betancourt at Mosswood Care 成人快手.
hosted a fun and dementia inclusive singing event open to choirs and singing groups of all ages, featuring a mix of English and Gaelic language songs. 26th September, 6-8:30pm, Stornoway Town Hall, Stornoway. This event was open to the public.
hosted a day of dementia-inclusive music training designed to help choir leaders, community workers and professionals working in the care and healthcare sector develop new and stronger skills and knowledge around choral leadership and dementia-inclusive practice.
run a care staff training session on how to use music therapeutically with its partners at Invernevis House.
Northern Ireland
Music & Dementia Events
are hosted a musical related activities for residents and relatives in 15 homes across the country, with activities including live musical performances, quizzes and more.
hosted a Boogie Beat Intergenerational session at Railway Lodge Care 成人快手.
Lenny White, The Dementia Friendly Barber trimmed hair to music with activity therapist Tina Beggs at Ravenhill Nursing 成人快手.
young jazz guitarist Joseph Leighton bought some relaxed jazz to the staff and residents at Strabane Day Centre and Greenfield Care 成人快手 on Wednesday 25th September.
hosted a discussion at Kirk House titled ‘How can the Belfast community help get people living with dementia their playlists?’. 26th September. This event was open to the public.
North East
Music & Dementia Events
hosted a Big Sing. 26th September, 11am. This event was open to the public. For more information, click .
The Beeches Care 成人快手 hosted musical activities all day to celebrate 成人快手 Music Day, including musical bingo.
in Corbridge hosted a big sing with residents and staff. 26th September, 2:30pm. This event was open to the public.
Dementia Support at Haltwhistle hosted a Big Sing event including special guest performances. Haltwhistle Hospital Community Room, 26th September, 10am. This event was open to the public.
hosted a performance from a resident, performing piano classics with family members and staff.
and Hen Power launched a community celebration of the memorial orchard at the venue, created by residents and school pupils in tribute to group member Bell who died earlier after living with dementia.
hosted a Musical Memories Singing Circle Cream Tea. 26th September, 12:30-2:30pm, Egglescliffe Community Centre, Eaglescliffe. This event was open to the public.
hosted a singing session at Adapt Cafe, Hexham. 26th September, 11am. This event was open to the public.
Hexham Market Place hosted a big community get together, with various choirs involved. 26th September, 10:30am. This event was open to the public.
hosted a Bright Therapy session.
hosted four interactive concerts by NOVA guitar duo at Kesteven Care 成人快手, St Clare House, Berkeley House and Figham House.
hosted an evening with Tony Christie helping to support people with dementia through music, song and dance. 28th September, 7pm, The Keepmoat Stadium, Doncaster. This event is open to the public.
hosted a complimentary afternoon Tea Dance for people living with dementia and their carers. 26th September, 2pm, The Consort Hotel, Thurcroft. This event was open to the public.
invited shoppers, retailers, community groups and local organisations to sing loud and proud in the mall. 26th September, 11am. This event was open to the public.
hosted a music therapy group session open event to showcase the impact of music therapy for older people living with dementia. 26th September, 2pm, Sandygate Care 成人快手, Rotherham. This event was open to the public.
hosted a music therapy group session open event to showcase the impact of music therapy for older people living with dementia. 26th September, 2pm, Montpellier Manor Care 成人快手, Middlesbrough. This event was open to the public.
hosted a music therapy group session open event to showcase the impact of music therapy for older people living with dementia. 26th September, 2pm, Glen Rosa Care 成人快手, Illkely. This event was open to the public.
hosted a music workshop for care home staff and a choir session for residents at Somerset House Nursing 成人快手, York.
in Blyth sang with staff and residents. This event was open to the public.
Rural Us at Berwick Town Tall brought together different people of all ages and abilities through music. 26th September, 10am. This event was open to the public.
St Cuthbert's Church Hall in Blyth hosted a singing event with people across the community. 26th September, 11am. This event was open to the public.
Other 成人快手 Music Day Events
The Autistic Orchestra led communities coming together in a Newcastle mash-up.
hosted a Swag Choir and Swaglets sessions. Both are youth choirs, and no experience is necessary. 26th September, from 5:15pm. The Point, Doncaster. This event was open to the public.
hosted Creative Directions session, a local music group. 26th September, 1:30-3:30pm, Alexander House, Doncaster. This event is open to the public.
was a musical celebration from the University of Sheffield, with events in Sheffield across the day.
North West
Music & Dementia Events
hosted a Musical Moments Session at Lawton Rise Care 成人快手.
hosted a Kiddleydivey sessions at Linear Park Residential Care 成人快手 and The Lakes Care Centre.
hosted a Cats Pyjamas Productions Session at Ashworth Grange Care 成人快手.
hosted Boogie Beat Intergenerational sessions at The Lodge Buckshaw Retirement Village, The Grange Buckshaw Retirement Village, Highbury Care 成人快手 and Ambassador Care home.
There was a at Heaton Mersey Conservative Club. 28th September, 5pm. This event was open to the public.
hosted a singing workshop at Andrew Court Care 成人快手 in Lancashire.
hosted a singing workshop at Springfield Cottage Care 成人快手 in Lancashire.
hosted a singing workshop at Hopwood Court Day Centre in Lancashire.
led ‘Let's Get Southport to Sing & Dance for Dementia’, encouraging young and old to sing and dance together for dementia in this flash mob style event. 26th September, 1-3pm, Chapel Street, Southport. This event was open to the public.
hosted a Songs and Scones session, bringing together older people who live on their own in the community or in care settings for a morning of music, tea and conversation.
hosted a music therapy group session open event to showcase the difference music therapy makes to older people living with dementia. 26th September, 2pm, The Willows Care 成人快手, Manchester. This event was open to the public.
hosted a music therapy group session open event to showcase the difference music therapy makes to older people living with dementia. 26th September, 2pm, Aughton Park Care 成人快手, Lancashire. This event was open to the public.
in Cheshire hosted a classical concert for residents.
hosted a plant and cake sale with live music at the Dementia Hub at the Salford Institute for Dementia. 23rd September, 10-3pm. This event was open to the public.
Singing For Health hosted a session celebrating singers living with dementia by singing their favourite songs. 26th September, 1:30-3pm, Carlile Institute, Meltham. This event was open to the public.
teamed up with , , and for Manchester’s first dementia-friendly music festival, celebrating the creativity of people living with dementia. 26th September, 10am-5pm, Bridgewater Hall, Manchester. This event was open to the public. Click for more details.
had entertainment throughout the day celebrating the benefits of music for those living with dementia.
Other 成人快手 Music Day Events
and the united for a special performance.
looked at mental wellness of the modern music industry.
featured an intergenerational music mash-up.
East Midlands
Music & Dementia Events
hosted an Eleanor Matley Production session at Westlands Care 成人快手.
hosted a Musical Moments session at Buddleia House Care 成人快手.
hosted a singing session led by the Okey Dokey singers at the Memory Café in Beeston.
choir rehearsal with acclaimed choir director Gareth Fuller in Wellingborough, and with special guest Paul Lee who joined them.
hosted ‘Everyone Can Sing’, a musical afternoon with Eastwood Memory Café. 30th September, 12-3pm, The Dog & Parrot, Eastwood. This event was open to the public.
is hosting a Memory Café in Eastwood.
in Northampton hosted a singalong session.
hosted a musical memory session and afternoon tea.
hosted a 60s party in their dementia wards and inviting local dancers to perform.
hosted a 1940s tea dance.
West Midlands
Music & Dementia Events
hosted a Musical Moments Session at Hollyfields Care 成人快手.
hosted a Kiddleydivey Session at Woodcroft Care 成人快手
hosted a Musical Moments Session at Thomas Fields Care Centre.
hosted a Boogie Beat Intergenerational session at Abbey Court Care 成人快手.
, Hawker Publications and hosted a ‘Listening with your Eyes’ workshop as part of the 'Creative Arts and Dementia - Developing best practice' event.
Coldfield hosted a musical reminiscence session.
hosted a 成人快手 Music Memories session and ‘Mini Proms’ afternoon tea.
hosted a music therapy group session open event to showcase the difference music therapy makes to older people living with dementia. 26th September, 2pm, Weston Queensway House Care 成人快手. This event was open to the public.
hosted a music therapy group session open event to showcase the difference music therapy makes to older people living with dementia. 26th September, 2pm, Cedar Lodge Care 成人快手, Henley in Arden. This event was open to the public.
in Coventry and Derbyshire hosted singalong sessions with visiting children and resident choirs.
performed a music-led theatre production, Sharing Joy, created for people living with dementia and their carers, in care homes and theatre venues, and run workshops for those caring for individuals with dementia.
hosted a ‘Listening With Your Eyes’ session to help develop skills of empathy, insight, listening and trust-building at Kineton Manor Care 成人快手.
Other 成人快手 Music Day Events
Choirs across Birmingham united in a pop up performance at Birmingham New Street Station.
hosted a Get Singing event involving over 500 children at The Warwick Hall.
East of England
Music & Dementia Events
hosted several events across the week, including a Public Research Lecture on music for dementia on the 23rd September, hosting a Together in Sound music therapy session, where participants who have shared a song accompanied by a short story will have be built into a playlist. Additionally, professor Helen Odell-Miller featured in a Radio 4 documentary and on Woman's Hour.
hosted a song-writing and music making workshop, encouraging participants to make their own folk songs. 26th September, 1:30-3:30pm, Cameo Café, Furze Hill Resource Centre. This event is open to the public.
became a community choir for the afternoon, collaborating with other care homes in the region, with special guests.
hosted a Big Musical Singalong at the local dementia café. 25th September, St Mary’s Church, St Albans. This event was open to the public.
hosted a Sweet Silent Disco session at Whittington House Nursing 成人快手.
hosted a Kiddleydivey session at Burnworthy House.
hosted a Cats Pyjamas Productions Session at Cornerways Residential 成人快手.
hosted a Boogie Beat Intergenerational session at The Grange Care and The Hawthorns.
and hosted a sing-a-long with songs from the musicals. 26th September, 2-4pm, St Peter’s Church Hall, Bristol. This event was open to the public.
hosted a music therapy group session open event to showcase the difference music therapy makes to older people living with dementia. 26th September, 2pm, Horfield Lodge Care 成人快手, Bristol. This event was open to the public.
Other 成人快手 Music Day Events
welcomed primary school children from across Bristol to take part in a scratch orchestra workshop, celebrating 30 years of Wallace & Gromit. Activities will culminate in a performance of Wallace & Gromit’s infamous theme tune, including players of all abilities and generations.
Bryntirion Residential 成人快手, Ceredigon curated individual playlists with residents throughout the week of Music Day.
hosted a ‘Come and Sing’ event with their chorus. 26th September from 6:30pm. This event is open to the public.
musicians String Sisters performed at St Teresas Rest & Llain Las Residential Care 成人快手s.
launched their Live Music In Care Wales campaign.
musicians performed at Highbury Care Services as part of the North Wales International Music Festival.
musicians Top Brass Trio performed at the Lyric Theatre, Carmarthenshire for a dementia friendly concert.
musicians Quartet 19 performed at Widdershins, Torfaen.
musician John Nicholas performed at Penperwym House.
South East
Music & Dementia Events
hosted a Musical Moments session at St Jude’s Nursing 成人快手.
hosted Maddie4Music sessions at Broomhills Care 成人快手 and Age UK Hythe & Lyminge Everest Court.
hosted The Quiet Man for celebrations at Lynwood Special Needs Care 成人快手.
hosted The Quiet Man for care home entertainment at The Old Garrison Community Hub, Shoeburyness. 25th September, 2-4pm. This event is open to the public.
and hosted an interactive session for people living with dementia and their carers.
hosted a music and memories social event offering fun and support to those in later life, and respite to carers and families.
hosted Wigmore Hall Music for Life, an interactive Community Choir session.
hosted an interactive concert at Holywell Park Care 成人快手.
hosted a music therapy group session open event to showcase the difference music therapy makes to older people living with dementia. 26th September, 2pm, Elmside Care 成人快手, Hitchin. This event is open to the public.
held a music therapy group session open event to showcase the difference music therapy makes to older people living with dementia. 26th September, 2pm, Anjulita Court Care 成人快手, Bedford. This event is open to the public.
worked with Spelthorne Dementia Support Group on several events in Shepperton, including an ‘Elvis will be in the building’ musical event, and a musical event at The Jubilee Centre, Shepperton, featuring choirs and various musicians.
Music & Dementia Events
hosted an Everyone Matters Event, a classical music concert performed by musicians in a care home in Bromley.
ran Moving Kinship Hubs - bespoke participatory life-story performances for families affected by young onset dementia. 20th September, 2-4pm at Alexandra Palace and Merton Arts Space Public. This event was open to the public.
hosted a Kiddleydivey session at Park View Care 成人快手.
ran a choir concert with refreshments with Alzheimer’s Society. 30th September, 6-7:30pm, All Saints Community Centre, Hackbridge. This event was open to the public.
hosted three intergenerational concerts performed by professional musicians from Everyone Matters alongside young musicians from Langley Park Girls' School in care homes in West Wickham, Bromley, and Orpington.
resident choir performed, including a resident who was previously a performer on the West End.
hosted their weekly Singing for Memory session, a professionally facilitated singing session for those living in the community who have a diagnosis of dementia, together with their family or private carer.
Clore Manor home hosted school children to visit residents and sing songs to celebrate the Jewish festivals.
hosted interactive concerts at Cheverton Care 成人快手, St Christopher’s Hospice, and Peartree Care 成人快手.
hosted a concert at Moorfields Eye Hospital. September 25th, 11am. This event was open to the public.
hosted a Songs and Songs’ Community Concert. 25th September, 2-3pm, Horniman Museum and Gardens. This event was open to the public.
hosted a Creative Aging Musical Workshop Showcase at the Horniman Museum and Gardens. 29th September, 11-3pm. This event was open to the public.
worked with MiSST to put on a SEND School workshop at Samuel Rhodes School.
held a music therapy group session open event to showcase the difference music therapy makes to older people living with dementia. 26th September, 2pm, Kenbrook Care 成人快手, Wembley. This event is open to the public.
held a music therapy group session open event to showcase the difference music therapy makes to older people living with dementia. 26th September, 2pm, Lawnfield House, Brondesbury Park. This event is open to the public.
ran a care staff training session on how to use music therapeutically with its partners at Chelsea Court Place.
and the presented a workshop for the Young Artist Musical Ambassadors, led by RAM’s Open Academy and dementia specialist, Julian West, as the young musicians are trained to work in protected environments such as care homes and hospices. 28th September, 5:30pm, Royal Academy of Music. This event was open to the public.
hosted a cultural music themed exercise session at Karuna Manor, Harrow.
hosted a free concert in Jubilee Gardens, London. 27th September, from 6pm. This event was open to the public.
held a dementia-friendly concert at Lumen Church, London. 21st Septmeber, 3pm. This event was open to the public, for more details click .
held a dementia-friendly concert, including a performance of a brand new Music Day anthem, followed by afternoon tea. 26th September, St Paul’s Knightsbridge, from 3pm. This event was open to the public, for more details click .
and hosted a concert aimed at welcoming those living with dementia, including refreshments and a chance to socialise with the performers. 27th September, 3pm, St Marylebone Church, London. This event was open to the public.
Other 成人快手 Music Day Events
hosted a live interactive orchestra experience for children with additional needs at Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe. 27th September, 6-7:30pm.
worked with the for a Singing' In The Rain performance.
Refugee Music in Box Hill, led by composer Jim Pinchin.
Music & Dementia Events
presentrf an evening of Opera at in Epsom. 28th September from 6pm.
ran an Only Connect Letters Penpal Project session encouraging reading aloud on 24th September at .
hosted a celebration of music and the fact it has no boundaries or race, again or mental capacity.
hosted a Music for Health session at Independent Lives.
hosted Boogie Beat Intergenerational sessions at Hartfield House Care 成人快手 and Malmesbury Lawn Care 成人快手.
hosted an Accordion Session with Marianne Smith at Lockswood Day Centre.
hosted a Valley Choice session with Eddit Cole at Abbotswood Court Care 成人快手.
hosted an entertainment session with Lee Wilkinson at Brookfield Care 成人快手.
hosted a Musical Session with Becky Short at Seffield Lodge.
hosted a Music for the Mind session with Becky Short at Merchistoun Hall.
hosted a collaboration between their dementia choir and infant choir at Linden House.
hosted a pop up dementia choir at Lymington Quay. 26th Setpember, 11am, Lymington Quay. This event was open to the public.
hosted a singing workshop with la local nursery school and their resident choir ‘The Gracewell Songbirds’.
hosted a singing and dancing session at the local memory café. 25th September, 2-4pm, Warsash United Reformed Church. This event was open to the public.
hosted a singing session in conjunction with Herts Musical Memories with tea and refreshments. 26th September, 2-4pm, Rhodes Arts Complex, Bishop’s Stortford. This event was open to the public.
hosted the 1000 Together Intergenerational Music Making Singalong, bringing local primary school children, families, relatives and those living with dementia together with students from the Academy of Contemporary Music in an intergenerational celebration of music composition, performance and singing.
hosted events across the week of 成人快手 Music Day for residents and families, featuring musical guests.
held a music therapy group session open event to showcase the impact of music therapy for older people living with dementia. 26th September, 2pm, St Leonards on Sea. This event was open to the public.
hosted a dementia friendly ‘Moving Memories’ event at Milk Churn’s ‘Parlour’, where guests will be able to enjoy award-winning Sussex Charmer cheese on toast during a musical journey featuring live music by internationally acclaimed singer/songwriter Calista Kazuko on 26th September, 2-3.30 pm, the Milk Churn, Rudgwick. This event was open to the public.
invited their Young Artist Musical Ambassadors from the Royal Academy of Music for a session on the benefits of music for those living with dementia.
Young Artist Musical Ambassadors presented an interactive music session for residents and those living with dementia at Cedar Court Care 成人快手.
hosted Moving Memories events at Stonehill House, led by Young Artist Musical Ambassador Elizabeth Nurse.
hosted several music activities including a ’24 hour Musicathon’ at Luton Wellbeing Centre.
hosted a karaoke party at Crossway House Care 成人快手 in Havant.
hosted a Little Uke & Friends singalong session at Elizabeth Court Rest 成人快手.
and organised a Drumming For Dementia session with residents at Northbrook Care 成人快手 on the Isle of Wight.
hosted a 50s and 60s country music afternoon at Pinewood Nursing 成人快手.
and St John’s Wellbeing Singing Group hosted a singing session in Ryde, Isle of Wight.
in Wantage, Evesham and Oxfordshire held musical events including singalong sessions and performances from their residents choirs.
hosted a “Music Through The Decades” afternoon with live entertainment.
had events across Music Day, including a request show on Redhill Radio, a Memory Café, a dementia friendly ecumenical and a choir singing on hospital wards.
hosted a choir performance with their residence.
celebrated 成人快手 Music Day with a big music quiz.
played musical recordings of songs performed by a resident.
had an interactive music workshop session at River View Care 成人快手.
had two musical workshops and discos in different locations across the week.
Other 成人快手 Music Day Events
Portsmouth saw a huge Get Singing moment with over 1000 children on the steps of the Guildhall.
South West
Music & Dementia Events
hosted 30 music based activity sessions or music discovery sessions in care environments across the South West.
hosted The Big Jam, with Wiltshire’s Music for the Mind groups featuring local musicians for one big jamming event. 26th September, 5-7pm at the Devizes Corn Exchange. This event is open to the public, click for more information.
hosted a Kiddleydivey session at Cheriton Care 成人快手.
hosted a Musical Devon session at Kings Manor Care 成人快手.
and Driftwood Café & Deli worked together to put on a full day of music and food to celebrate 成人快手 Music Day and highlight the role MP3 players can have on those living with dementia. 26th September, 12-9pm, Driftwood Kitchen Coffee Deli, Newquay. This event was open to the public.
worked with Totnes Caring to hold a live participatory performance for members.
held a music therapy group session open event to showcase the difference music therapy makes to older people living with dementia. 26th September, 2pm, Torrwood Care 成人快手, Wells. This event was open to the public.
hosted internationally acclaimed guitarist Samantha Muir and Young Professional YAMA Lara Taylor at Eastbury House Residential 成人快手 to perform their popular duos for residents, caregivers, families and friends.
hosted an intergenerational singing session and a choir session at Fairmile Grage Care 成人快手, Christchurch.
invited primary school children to sing with residents, alongside a choir and musicians.
and Harbour Rise Care 成人快手 celebrated 成人快手 Music Day by hosting musical events all week.
and Totnes Hospital worked together with Lifecare Radio, based at the hospital, to feature a day of special requests.
and Reflections CIC hosted a choir session with residents in Camborne.
and Top Town Purple Angel Memory Café hosted a musical afternoon featuring a guest musician.
hosted a musical afternoon for all at Barton Baptists Church, Torquay. 26th September, 1:30-4pm. This event was open to the public.
and Totnes Hospital worked together with Lifecare Radio, based at the hospital, to feature a day of special requests.
organised a musical afternoon in Pendennis Care 成人快手, Paignton.
hosted a ‘Music in the Wards’ event at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital Trust.
hosted a 成人快手 Music Memories presentation.
had a special musical day, where everyone sings, dances, plays, dresses and eats in the style of the 1960s.
Other 成人快手 Music Day Events
Exeter University's student media, XMedia, are hosted an event to showcase the best the South West has to offer at the Lemon Grove in a celebration of local music. Click for more information.
and Silver Innings Foundation hosted a dementia and healthy aging musical session.
and Alzheimer's & Related Disorders Society of India hosted a professional music group singing old songs.