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C猫ic-c脿ise Orains / Orange Cheesecake

Cèic-càise Orains

Airson a’ bhonn:
18 briosgaidean digestive
100g ìm air a leaghadh
2 phìos beag teòclaid dorch
druthag de Chointreau
druthag de mhil

Airson bonn a’ chèic-càise, grìs tiona le bonn a thig às.
Cuir na briosgaidean digestive ann am poca plastaig agus pronn le crann-fuine gus a bheil iad nan criomagan beaga bìodach.
Leagh an t-ìm, teòclaid, Cointreau agus mil còmhla còmhla ann am pana.
Cuir na briosgaidean ann am bòbhla leis an ìm, teòclaid, Cointreau agus mil.
Measgaich còmhla gus a bheil na criomagan briosgaid air an còmhdach
Dòirt dhan an tiona agus brùth sìos gus am bi e rèidh.
Fàg san reòthadair airson uair a thìde gus a bheil e air fuarachadh.

Airson an uachdar:
1 tuba Quark
1 tuba càise Mascarpone
100g siùcar castair
rùsg dà orainsear

Buail na gritheidean còmhla agus cuir an uachdar am muin bonn na cèice-càise gu grinn.
Fàg sa fridse.

Coulis De Mheasan Measgaichte
Do thaghadh fhèin de mheasan measgaichte – reòithte no ùr
Siùcar fùdarach
Drama de Chointreau

Teasaich na measan agus an Cointreau ann am pana gus a bheil an deoch làidir air seargadh às.
Cuir na tha a’ tighinn ri do chàil fhèin de shiùcar fùdarach na lùib.
Thoir far an teas agus bleith.

Orange Cheesecake

For the base:
18 digestive biscuits, crushed
100g melted butter
2 small blocks dark chocolate
Splash of Cointreau
Drizzle of honey

To make the base, butter loose-bottomed cake tin.
Put the digestive biscuits in a plastic food bag and crush to crumbs using a rolling pin. Transfer the crumbs to a bowl, then pour over the melted butter, melted chocolate, Cointreau and honey.
Mix thoroughly until the crumbs are completely coated.
Tip them into the prepared tin and press firmly down into the base to create an even layer. Chill in the freezer for 1 hour to set firmly.

For the topping:
1 tub of Quark
1 tub Marscapone cheese
100g caster sugar
Zest of 2 oranges

Mix ingredients together and spread evenly onto the base.
Set aside in the fridge.

Mixed Fruit Coulis
Fresh or frozen mixed fruit of your choice.
Icing sugar
1 measure of Cointreau

Heat the fruit and Cointreau in a pan until the alcohol has burned off.
Add the icing sugar, to the sweetness of your choice, to the pan.
Take off the heat and blitz until smooth.

Melt the butter, chocolate and honey in a pan.
Once melted, add the crushed bisuits and mix together.
Pour mixture into a cheesecake tin and spread out to the edges and level it out.
Grate the zest of oranges on the top, and set aside in the fridge.