
King Richard III pictured during his reign.
toppled tyrant Richard from the throne.
At the end, he may
even have regretted his evil ways. An awful dream
of the ghosts of his victims upset him the night before the battle, perhaps even leading to his final defeat at Richmond's hands.
The reign of monster Richard III ended today at the Battle of Bosworth. Thrown off his horse, he was defeated in single combat by the Earl of Richmond, leader of the forces opposing the hunchbacked tyrant. Richard dead, Richmond was
honoured as England's new King, Henry VII.
Richard's short reign has been a bloody chapter in England's history. Cold-bloodedly murdering his way to the throne, he killed anyone who stood in his way – even his own family.
Victims included his brother George, his little nephews Edward and Richard, and his wife Anne. Richard's friends were no safer - cronies Buckingham and Hastings both got the chop on his orders.
Richard's ruthless rise to power began when his brother, Edward IV, fell ill.
Taking advantage of Edward's paranoia, Richard convinced him to lock up older brother George, Duke of Clarence, then had him killed by thugs, who drowned him in a vat of wine.
When Edward died, Richard conspired to be named Regent to nephew Edward V, even killing the young prince's maternal uncles to make sure he'd get the job. Once little Edward and his brother were in his power, he had them murdered.
Claiming the throne for his own, Richard began a stormy reign, marked by
gathering unrest. To shore up his power base, he determined to
marry his own niece, Elizabeth, Edward IV's daughter. His then-current wife
Anne died at this time - probably not a co-incidence.
But the match was prevented by the brave uprising led by Richmond, which
Richard III
Ambitious, ruthless and cold-hearted, hunchback Richard was determined to be
king, whatever the cost. A master politician, he could be very persuasive, but would happily spill blood to get what he wanted.
Edward IV
Richard's brother, Edward IV saw plots against him everywhere, so it was
easy for Richard to poison his mind against brother George. By the time
Edward saw his mistake, it was too late and George was dead. |
Lady Anne Ill-fated wife Anne had already been widowed by Richard when he came wooing – he'd killed her husband, Edward, and his father, Henry VI. The silver tongued schemer won her round – but didn't keep her alive long.
Duke of Buckingham
Richard's closest crony, Buckingham helped him plot his way to the throne in return for promises of land and riches. Eventually, though, Richard turned against him and had
him executed.
"Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York."
Richard III, Act I, Scene I
"I am determined to prove a villain."
Richard Act I, Scene I
"Was ever Woman in this humour wooed?
Was ever Woman in this humour won?
I'll have her: But I will not keep her long."
Richard III, Act I, Scene II
"Conscience is but a word that cowards use, devised at first to keep the strong in awe."
Richard III, Act V, Scene III
"A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!"
Richard III, Act V, Scene IV