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29 October 2014
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Cilla joins Parkinson for the first show of his new series

Cilla Black, the First Lady of British television, talks openly to Michael Parkinson in the first show of his new series.

In an emotional interview, Cilla opens up about the death of Bobby, her feelings for him, as strong now as always, and her reaction to her recent burglary.

Michael Parkinson starts off by asking Cilla about the burglary.

"Yes it was awful," says Cilla. "I can't even think about the jewellery – I don't even worry about that. I was really very upset and angry about Jack [Cilla's son]. I really was."

Cilla goes on to explain that she was out of the country on holiday at the time of the burglary. She remembers receiving a call from her other son, Robert:

"I'll never forget it. He said, 'It's devastating, Mum, there's been a break in at the house at Denham, but Jack is alright.' 'What do you mean Jack is alright?' I said. And it was bad."

Michael then asks: "Would you have had a go?" Cilla replies: "Yes, I know I would have had a go; I know what I am like. You can take the girl out of Liverpool, but you cannot take Liverpool out of the girl."

Cilla then talks about a previous incident at a house in Spain when she confronted an intruder there:

"I had to block him, as he had to come past me. I've got loud voice so I screamed, 'Oi!'. And I terrified him! So I know I am a 'have a go' person."

Michael asks if Cilla will now sell up and leave the house. After a moment's hesitation, she answers defiantly: "No. No, I'm not going to let the buggers get the best of me. Absolutely not. No, no, no, because they have scored another goal.

"But I actually didn't sleep in my bedroom for two days. In fact, one of the most cleansing things I did was I actually made a sign with 'Welcome' written on it. I left all the doors, all the windows open. I said, 'Welcome. You've taken everything. If you want the food in me freezer, it's there, take it!'"

In an emotionally charged exchange, Michael goes on to talk to Cilla about life without Bobby, and her recent reputation as something of a party animal.

"I was always that party animal, I always was."

Fighting back the tears, Cilla goes on to admit that it was a struggle after the death of Bobby.

Cilla describes a particularly difficult moment at Jimmy Tarbuck's 60th birthday. She reveals:

"I could not stay. I was there about forty minutes. I looked around and it was all couples, and actually Bobby would have loved it because all his footballing heroes were there, and I looked around and I thought, I have to get out, I have to do something different.

"I couldn't stand going out because I'm not a couple anymore. But I'm very comfortable now."

Michael then asks her: "Do you think in the fullness of time you would consider getting married again?"

Cilla replies: "Michael, don't be stupid! I don't think so. I'm still totally in love with Bobby. And I am not prepared to share my remote control with anybody."

Also joining Michael on the show this week are the comedienne and Celebrity Fame Academy favourite Jo Brand, and actress Helen Mirren, who talks about her roles in Prime Suspect and the new smash-hit film, Calendar Girls.

Annie Lennox performs live in the studio, singing Wonderful and Little Bird.

Joining Michael next week will be film star Ewan McGregor, comedian and actor Stephen Fry, who makes his debut as director with the upcoming film Bright Young Things, and Ronni Ancona, the co-star of the ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ comedy series The Big Impression.

Music comes from Dido, who will be performing live in the studio.

Parkinson is on ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ ONE this Saturday (20 September) at 9.55pm.

The producer is Danny Dignan. Bea Ballard is executive producer.

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