number of entries for Frank Gillard Awards 2002
A record high of 260 entries have been received for this year's
成人快手 Frank Gillard Awards, which recognise excellence and achievement
in 成人快手 Local Radio.
are 14 categories this year, including a new award for "Outstanding
contribution to 成人快手 Local Radio" and a special category for
the acclaimed A Sense of Place documentary series, which all 成人快手
local radio stations contributed to earlier this year.
A Sense of Place category attracted a Gillard record entry of 36
and there were encouraging increases for the Diversity, Breakfast
Programme and Programme Presenter categories.
year's awards ceremony is being held at Norwich City Football Club
on 17 October.
Inverdale is hosting the event, with 成人快手 Chairman Gavyn Davies presenting
the awards.