I don't like musicals; let's get that straight from the start. One
person walks on stage and announces he's going to the train station.
The second character, with some indignation, exclaims "TRAIN STATION!"
and then the singing starts:
1# Yes the trains station
2# Not the train station!
1# Yes the Trrrrain STATION.
dancing, a chorus line of shocked commuters appear, the lights go
mad, glitter starts to fall and a gaggle of under-fives appear on
strings from the ceiling waving at their parents. They can't sing
but aren't they cute! It's a Musical a MUSICAL a MUSICALLLLLL.
having this stance it would be unfair to write a review because
I'm somewhat prejudice. That's why I asked all my friends what they
thought of last nights performance:
- Brilliantly
satirical and very decadent - Peter
- Not
as serious or as dark as I've seen it done before - Charlotte
- Really
good though not the same the second time round - Paul
- I
loved the involvement of the band it had real pace and energy
but the ladies legs were just too long. - Christina
nice quotes there, though I doubt the production company will replace
the ones from the Daily Telegraph on their billboards. That would
be novel wouldn't it? I'd love to see that splashed all over the
big screen in Piccadilly: Brilliantly satirical and very decadent
- Peter.
the general consensus was that if you have to see a musical this
is a good one to see but they've not sold me.