Cherry Jordan
probably, thousands of other people I first encountered Joseph and
his fancy coat at primary school, when my year performed this world
famous, west end show for our adoring, if not slightly amused parents.
though I had actually acted in Joseph myself (to a very high standard
I'm sure), when queuing up at the The New Theatre to see the show,
I couldn't for the life of me remember a thing about it. I had probably
blocked out most of my memories due to the fact I had to play one
of Joseph's brothers and wearing a fake beard wasn't really my thing
at the age of six.
I had
totally forgotten how varied the show was, being more of a variety
performance than just a musical. The actors were so energetic they
were pratically bouncing off the walls at any given opportunity.
This put them in good steed for their many costume changes and exhausting
dance routines.
wasn't only Joseph's coat that was colourful, the whole performance
was filled with a huge array of flamboyant sets and vivid atmosphere.
Every type of music was squeezed into the few hours, covering everything
from country and western to Elvis Presley, all whilst supposedly
being set in Egypt.
and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was a hugely entertaining
night out, with some parts as surreal as a Monty Python classic
and others that just made you want to stand up and join in. You
really must try and catch the show while it's in town and if you
do, look out for the singing camel, one of the highlights for me.