fully enjoy the game you will need to have Realplayer installed
on your computer. Real Player is a free program which you
can download from the internet and is used across the 成人快手
and on the web in general.
will enable you to watch the videos that form most of the
clues in the game. You can download Realplayer from Real.com
on the link below and if you are having problems you can visit
the 成人快手 guide for further information.
Broadband Users
you are lucky enough to have access to Broadband you will
be able to enjoy the videos in the best quality. To do this
you must make sure that you have got your Realplayer configured
you are using Real 8 then click on view, then preferences,
then click on the connection Tab. Then with the drop down
menu choose the Normal bandwidth and set it as 512Kbps DSL/Cable
and the Maximum bandwidth as 10Mbps LAN.
you are using Real One player which is the newest type of
player from Real you should go to Tool > Preferences >
on the button called "test connection" This should
read what connection speed you've got and allow you to update
your Realmedia settings if they are currently incorrect.
Message Board
don't have to logon to use the message board on the murder
site which makes them really easy to use. But because anyone
can use the system we do have to check each response before
it can go live on the site.
will make sure that the responses are checked during working
hours 9 - 5 Monday to Friday. This may result in a short delay
especially if you post on the weekend or during the evenings,
please bear with us, as long as your response isn't obscene
of offensive it will make it to the site.
can only vote once on each vote. If you have changed your
mind since you voted, don't worry you will be able to vote
for you new suspect when the new vote starts on the following
week. You can also let people know why you've changed your
mind in the crime room.