Authors | /blogs/internet/authors/Jeremy_Tarling, |
Created Date | 2014-11-09 |
Version | 0.5 |
Prior Version | 0.4 |
Licence | |
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Ontology Terms
Automatically generated documentation for the ontology terms.
A company featured in 成人快手 business news | |
URI | /ontologies/business/Company |
Description | A company featured in 成人快手 business news, a specialisation of core:Organisation |
Superclasses | /ontologies/coreconcepts/Organisation |
Subclasses | PrivateCompany, PublicCompany |
Properties | companyLocation, parentCompany, sector |
A market sector featured in 成人快手 business news | |
URI | /ontologies/business/Sector |
Description | A marker sector featured in 成人快手 business news, a specialisation of core:Theme |
Superclasses | /ontologies/coreconcepts/Theme |
Properties | sector |
A private (Ltd) company featured in 成人快手 business news | |
URI | |
Description | A private (Ltd) company featured in 成人快手 business news, a specialisation of biz:Company |
Superclasses | Company |
A public company (PLC) featured in 成人快手 business news | |
URI | /ontologies/business/PublicCompany |
Description | A public company (PLC) featured in 成人快手 business news, a specialisation of biz:Company |
Superclasses | Company |
Properties | hasShare, shareId |
A share in a public company featured in 成人快手 business news | |
URI | /ontologies/business/Share |
Description | A share featured in 成人快手 business news |
Properties | hasShare, inIndex, listing, primaryListing, secondaryListing, shareTicker |
A stock market featured in 成人快手 business news | |
URI | /ontologies/business/Market |
Description | A stock market (or exchange) featured in 成人快手 business news, a specialisation of core:Organisation |
Superclasses | /ontologies/coreconcepts/Organisation |
Properties | listing, marketTicker, primaryListing, secondaryListing |
An Index of a market featured in 成人快手 business news | |
URI | /ontologies/business/Index |
Description | an Index featured in 成人快手 business news |
Properties | inIndex |
company location | |
URI | /ontologies/business/companyLocation |
Description | property to associate a company with a place where it is located, registered or trades |
Domain | Company |
Range | /ontologies/coreconcepts/Place |
has share | |
URI | /ontologies/business/hasShare |
Description | property to associate a Public Company a Share |
Domain | PublicCompany |
Range | Share |
in index | |
URI | /ontologies/business/inIndex |
Description | property to associate a Share with an Index |
Domain | Share |
Range | Index |
listing | |
URI | /ontologies/business/listing |
Description | property to associate a company with an exchange or stock market where it is listed |
Subproperty | primaryListing, secondaryListing |
Domain | Share |
Range | Market |
market ticker symbol | |
URI | /ontologies/business/marketTicker |
Description | literal property to associate a market its ticker symbol |
Domain | Market |
Range |
parent company | |
URI | /ontologies/business/parentCompany |
Description | property to associate a company with a parent company |
Domain | Company |
Range | Company |
primary listing | |
URI | /ontologies/business/primaryListing |
Description | property to associate a company with an exchange or stock market where it has its primary listing |
Superproperties | listing |
Domain | Share |
Range | Market |
secondary listing | |
URI | /ontologies/business/secondaryListing |
Description | property to associate a company with an exchange or stock market where it has its secondary listing |
Superproperties | listing |
Domain | Share |
Range | Market |
sector | |
URI | /ontologies/business/sector |
Description | property to associate a company with a sector |
Domain | Company |
Range | Sector |
share ID for 成人快手 business data service | |
URI | /ontologies/business/shareId |
Description | literal property to associate a company with its share ticker symbol |
Domain | PublicCompany |
Range |
share ticker symbol | |
URI | /ontologies/business/shareTicker |
Description | literal property to associate a share with its ticker symbol |
Domain | Share |
Range |