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Chris stumbles out alarmed, hands up. Chris It’s all right, I’ll come quietly, don’t hurt us. Chris sees there is nothing or no one around, then sees the golden baton lying beside the tent. Eddy appears as Chris picks it up. Eddy You still up? Great, I’m not ready for bed either. What’s that? Chris I don’t know. Chris gently waves the baton and music floats across the air lifting Chris and Eddy on to their tiptoes. Charlie appears. Charlie What’s going on? Eddy Dunno. Chris’s found a magic stick or something. Getting more confident Chris waves the baton more firmly and there is a flourish of music swaying them back and forth on their feet. Allie appears and begins to sway with them. Allie That looks like great fun. Give me a go Chris. Allie snatches the baton from Chris and swashes it violently through the air. There is a huge crescendo of music and the earth seems to move beneath their feet sending the children crashing to the floor. Charlie Allie you maniac! Give it here! Allie Sorry everyone. Charlie snatches the baton from Allie. Charlie I better give it to Nan and Grandad. Eddy Don’t do that they’ll make us go to bed. Chris found it. Chris I don’t want to get in trouble. Allie Well I got the most fun out of it! The Space Conductor appears the Night Creatures creep out to watch. Space Conductor Excuse me but the baton belongs to me. Children Who are you? Space Conductor I’m the Space Conductor. Spawny (Night Creatures aside to each other) The who? Squelch The what? Beetlebrow From where? Space Conductor A friend. I come from way up there. My job is to conduct music made in the universe for all the planets to revolve and dance to. Charlie And you seriously expect us to believe that? Space Conductor You just heard some of it when you were playing. Eddy That wasn’t music. Allie That was noise and I should know. Space Conductor I dropped my baton and I’ve lost the perfect tune. Please give it back or soon the planets will spin permanently out of line. Charlie How do we know it’s yours? We found it. Allie Yeah finders keepers. Chris Maybe we should listen? Space Conductor Here let me prove it to you. Do this with the baton… Space Conductor beats a quick four beat in the air. Charlie copies and a rock and roll tune kicks in. . Space Conductor Now let the planets tell you themselves. The Planets appear moving unsteady on their feet rocking and rolling as they sing with the Space Conductor. Night Creatures sing along with the children. Song. Out of Control. Rock and Roll. Space Conductor/ We gotta problem with the universe Planets Dropped a beat and it’s getting worse Now we gotta try to save our worlds If we don’t… Kiss goodbye you boys and girls Charlie/Allie We gotta problem with this crazy lune Night Outta the sky droppin’ by the moon? Creatures Now we gotta buy the lies we’ve heard Well excuse me just a minute? I don’t believe a single little word. Space Conductor You gotta believe me We gotta do somethin soon Charlie/Allie Well if you’re so clever Night From the land of never Creatures Pack up your troubles in pockets of sunshine Take to the skies Say your goodbyes And get yourself back to the moon (All) SOON! Eddy/Chris What if this problem with the universe Night Is really true and it’s gettin worse Creatures And we never tried to save the world We will be… Blamed by every boy and girl All (Cross- Who are you? rhythm) And what you gonna do about it? (To End) Exit Planets. Charlie What a far-fetched story. I’m going to tell Nan and Grandad. Charlie charges over to get Nan and Grandad. Charlie What have you done to them? Charlie pulls Nan and Grandad on but they are frozen and motionless. Eddy, Allie and Chris try tapping them but they are solid and waving in front of their eyes but they cannot see. The Night Creatures creep up and try tickling them, but there is no reaction. Eddy Nan? Grandad? Space Conductor It has already started. Time has slipped out of joint here on Earth and frozen them. Charlie Conducting planets? Magic batons? You’re a liar! Give us our Nan and Grandad back! The Space Conductor quickly snatches the baton. Allie Hey, don’t snatch that’s rude. Allie snatches the baton back off the Space Conductor. Eddy Maybe it’s the truth. Chris Give it back. The Space Conductor desperately chases after the baton with Eddy and Chris. But Charlie and Allie throw it back and forth over their heads. Space Conductor Please, I need it now. Suddenly a thunderclap and lightening stops them all in their tracks. The Night Creatures slither off. Space Conductor That’s the planets slipping in space. When they get too far out of line they’ll start to collide! Eddy I wish I’d stayed in bed now! Chris I want my mum! Allie It’s just a thunderstorm isn’t it? It’ll pass. Charlie Of course it will. You’ve caused nothing but trouble here since you arrived. Trying to frighten us. Now go away! Space Conductor But please listen! At least give me back my baton. The Space Conductor appeals to Charlie but is pushed to ground. Charlie Not until you free Nan and Grandad from whatever you’ve done to them and promise to leave us alone. Space Conductor But I can’t unless you give it to me? Charlie No deal. You’re no friend of ours. Come on everyone, we’ll find our own way to wake up Nan and Grandad. !јu Џ 4 ”  c  N  ] „ FŠfg§fЂ?@g[dСТЧЮмф!i˜НЧлмЃдќ4eѕ Š:{‘’ѓщмщищищибибибибибибибЧбНбибибибибибибибибибибибибибЙhvЭh8uDh"Oќ6]h"Oќ56\] h"Oќ6]h"Oќh"Oќ6OJQJ]^Jh"OќOJQJ^Jh"Oќ5OJQJ\^J5 !€ДЕвгїјt u Ў Џ 3 4 | } “ ”   ( ) b c   њњњњњњњњњњњњњњѕњњњњњ№њњњњњ№№gd"Oќgd"Oќgd"Oќ’§ M N   E F \ ] „ … В Г ђ ѓ EFŠ‹’УФклтњњњњээээњњњњэњњњњњњњњњњњњњњ „ „`њ^„ `„`њgd"Oќgd"Oќ<=OPgmњћ018stŒЖЗНFGxy•–ЕЖњњњњњњњэээээээээээээээээњњњ „ „`њ^„ `„`њgd"Oќgd"OќЖМќ§MegmЁЂ№?@ghoЫ№ў UЏЮѕіњэээээээээээњээээээээээээээ „ „`њ^„ `„`њgd"Oќgd"Oќіќ89`}ДЧк  <g—ЄТУм!"hi—˜Мђђђђђђђђђђђђђђђђђђээээээђђэgd"Oќ „ „`њ^„ `„`њgd"OќМНVІЦЧлмуEFЃгдћќ34OPdeЋѕіќњњээээээњэээњэээээээээњэњњэ „ „`њ^„ `„`њgd"Oќgd"Oќ l‹Œ’џ$%<=uvєѕћ9:z{чшю‘’ђђђээђэээээээђээээээђђэђђђыgd"Oќ „ „`њ^„ `„`њgd"Oќ,1hА‚. 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