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Charlie No problem Allie, but not so loud! Eddy Yeah we want to stay up all night! Nan said any noise or nonsense and she’ll have us straight back in. Chris It is starting to get a bit dark; maybe that’s not such a bad idea. Ally Listen Chris if anything tries to get us in the night, I’ll scream at the top of my voice, okay? Charlie Eddy Shhhh! Nan and Grandad appear. Nan What’s all this noise? You children should have been zipped up in your tent ages ago. Eddy But Nan it’s still light! Grandad Only because it’s mid-summer night, the shortest night of the year. It’s still really late. Nan Maybe we should bring them inside Jim? Allie Oh please Mrs Jenkins we’ll be quiet! Granddad Well that’d be a first for you Allie. Nan All right. But sleep soon. We’ll be just inside and the windows open. Grandad And remember don’t be caught outside your tent after nightfall… or else! Chris Or else what? Nan Don’t tease them Jim. He’s only kidding Chris… and remember you children sleep now. Nan and Grandad exit. Chris Maybe I should go home. Charlie Oh come on Chris, you’ll be fine with us. Eddy We’re staying up all night! Sleepover Song. (Track 1 Calypso) Nan and Grandad sing from off. Charlie It’s the shortest of nights Eddy Shortest nights of the year Allie We’ll stay up ‘til first light Charlie Eddy And both of our best friends are here Nan/ Granddad Come on now children go to sleep Children Come on now Nanny let us be Nan/ Grandad We’ve had enough now of this song Children We want to stay up all night long Nan/ Sun’ll be up all too soon Grandad Say goodnight to the moon Eddy We’ll fool them we’re in bed Eddy/Allie But we’ll stay up late instead Nan/ If you don’t go to sleep you’ll wake up the bed bugs Grandad Creepies and crawlies and ghosties and fat slugs Night All of the things that go bump in the night Creatures Will come out to haunt you and give you a fright Children But we are brave and we’ll stick together No matter the trouble no matter the weather Dogs may bark, (Night Creatures shout WOOF!) Fireworks spark (Night Creatures shout BANG!) We don’t care we’re not scared or afraid of the dark (Night Creatures shout BOO!) Leaves and plants rustle and creatures of the night slowly appear making strange sounds. Allie What was that noise over there? Eddy Something moved over here Chris I feel a little bit scared Charlie Glad Nan and Grandad are near Nan/ Come on now children go to sleep Grandad Children Come on now Grandad let us be Nan/ We’ve had enough now of this song Grandad Children We want to stay up all night long Nan/ If you don’t go to sleep you’ll wake up the bed bugs Grandad Creepies and crawlies and ghosties and fat slugs Night All of the things that go bump in the night Creatures Will come out to haunt you and give you a fright Children But we are brave and we’ll stick together No matter the trouble no matter the weather Dogs may bark, (Night Creatures shout WOOF!) Fireworks spark (Night Creatures shout BANG!) We don’t care we’re not scared or afraid of the dark (Night Creatures shout BOO!) Children Maybe it’s time to go (Nervously) In our tents out of sight ‘Cos you never can know All What’s hiding in the dark night! The children quickly scamper into the tent and zip it up fast. The Night Creatures crawl out. Slugger Now it’s our turn to crawl Creepy Out of the shadows of night Crawler We’re the things you all fear All Creeping up to give you… A FRIGHT! (End). Big scarey faces! Nan shines a torch into the darkness. Nan For the last time go to sleep out there! The Night Creatures recoil from the light and scuttle off.  !( к ѓ N l ƒ њ =vxtдп<œЪЭЮ9JMsЃопѓщхщихщищѓщищЫщищищхщО­щищищхІ hнqДhvЭ!hхpсhнqДB*OJQJ^JphџhZ`АhнqДOJQJ^JhА.тhнqДOJQJ^JhнqД6OJQJ]^JhнqДhнqДOJQJ^JhнqД5OJQJ\^J !' 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