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16 October 2014

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Ralph McLean

on air now: Sean Coyle

Here's a selection of your favourite country songs. Agree? Disagree? Why not add your choice by filling in the submit form.


Name: Deborah-Jane Birtwell
Location: Dunfermline
Fav Song: Jolene
Why: Just a really great feel good song


Name: Beano
Location: Belfast
Fav Song: Cold Cold Heart by Hank Williams
Why: it is the quinressential country song written over fifty years ago and still stands the test of time, still being recorded and is much copied


Name: Linda Dickins
Location: Walsall
Fav Song: Youre my best friend. Don Williams
Why: Because it reminds me of my best friend


Name: Morag Smith
Location: musselburgh
Fav Song: The Gambler - Kenny Rogers
Why: Love the lyrics,love the story and the message


Name: Andrew Prior

Location: Aylesbury
Fav Song: Your'e Still On My Mind
Why: Not only is The Byrds, Sweeheart Of The Rodeo the greatest country album I've ever heard, I've actually had to live this song...


Name: Karen
Location: Belfast
Fav Song: The Devil Went Down To Georgia
Why: its just a really upbeat brilliant song


Name: Eric Beauchamp
Location: Bracknell Berks
Fav Song: The hand that rocks the cradle
Why: The message in the song brings a lump to my throat when I think of my children and grand children


Name: Grego
Location: Cambridgeshire
Fav Song: Desperado BY Johnny Cash
Why: it touches my heart


Name: R Forster
Location: Llancashire
Fav Song: sweet thames flow softly
Why: Lots of atmosphere.


Name: Rob Byers
Location: United States - Louisville, Kentucky

Fav Song: Hey Good Lookin' - Hank Williams
Why: Great lyrics, classic country sound and always brings back memories of being a child at my grandparents house.


Name: Debbie Potts
Location: Manchester
Fav Song: Take Me - George Jones
Why: the clarity of voice, the harmonies, if sunshine could sing...


Name: Catherine
Location: Didcot
Fav Song: Rose Garden
Why: because my parents played it every sunday before church and remember singinging along to it with my five brothers and sisters.And quite often hear it on the juke box down the local pub


Name: David Cluckie
Location: Isle of Man
Fav Song: On the Road Again , Willie Nelson
Why: Reminds me of travelling in the states. I used to play it ever day when I set off driving across country.


Name: Wayne Clarke
Location: Liverpool, UK
Fav Song: Faithful One by Alathea
Why: Great sound, beautiful vocals, strong affirming lyrics. Alathea need to be heard more.

Name: Oneki Malone
Location: Belfast
Fav Song: She Believes In me
Why: Reminds me of the woman I should have done better by.


Name: Jimbo
Location: west sussex
Fav Song: Folsom Prison Blues - Johnny Cash
Why: First heard it covered by a band called Hoedown At Hanks in a Bournemouth pub, never having heard Johnny Cash before. It opened musical doors and I became a big fan of The Man In Black as a result.


Name: Abhainn Preston
Location: Vernon, BC, Canada
Fav Song: El Paso - Marty Robbins
Why: Because it's melody is beautiful, has heart-wrenching lyrics and is sung by a beautful voice. And somehow or other, the story behind the song rings true -- a snippet of tragic real life in the early American-Mexican Southwest.


Name: Simon Tume
Location: Orpington, kent.
Fav Song: Thirteen - Johnny Cash
Why: Hard to pick a Johnny Cash song from all the brilliant songs he wrote and sang. Right up until the most recent covers of Solitary Man, One, and Wont Back Down, no other man is as convincing as Johnny Cash.


Name: Jade
Location: Utah
Fav Song: Sumertime By: Kenny Chesney
Why: I love the beat, and the way it makes me happy when I listen to it!


Name: Joanne
Location: Surrey
Fav Song: Coat of many colours
Why: Dolly Parton has a way of taking a bad situation and making it sound good. Country singers frequently do this but Dolly is just better at it!

Name: Des O'Connell
Location: Birmingham
Fav Song: Cold Cold Heart; Hank Williams
Why: The perfect country song sung by the perfect country singer;


Name: Andrew Parkhill
Location: Belfast
Fav Song: No Time To Cry, by Iris Dement
Why: Country music has always appealed to me because ultimately it came across as being more real than rock (I used to be a big metal fan!) or any other genre. Every good country song has its roots in some real event, thought or emotion that was actually experienced by a real person, and as a result the lyrics come across as genuine, as actually having some meaning for everyday people. When was the last time a rock/pop song was able to move someone to tears because it made them think of an important moment in their life? All good country songs are about real life, about real people, and are sung from (bitter) experience. This song is the very best example of this, and that’s why I have come to think of it as the very best country song. It isn’t the best known country song in the world, and it isn’t by some huge country star, but listening to Iris Dement singing ‘No Time To Cry’ always makes me stop and think. At the best of times it brings a wry smile to my face, and at the worst, it can leave me in tears. Not much of a rough, tough country cowboy, am I !-)

Name: Bill Rowland
Location: Dallas,TX
Fav Song: San Francisco Mabel Joy
Why: Many years ago I picked up a 45 of Mickey Newbury singing American trilogy, on the flipside was Mabel joy--two classic recordings, Mabel Joy is just a great story and only Mickey can do it justice

Name: weemick
Location: Belfast
Fav Song: Steve Earl - Guitar Town
Why: Just a rockin country great.


Name: Mark Mckinsry
Location: Banbridge
Favourite Country Song: The River by Garth Brooks
Why: Garth Brooks rocks!

Name: A Kennedy
Location: Lennoxtown
Favourite Country Song: Your Cheating Heart
Why: Hank Williams and this song capture the sadness and regret of lost love


Name: Anne Buchanan
Location: Clydebank
Favourite Country Song: Me and Bobby McGee
Why: Just a great tune.


Name: Nick Barber
Location: Stoke-on-Trent
Favourite Country Song: The Buck starts here - Robbie Fulks
Why: Jealousy, tiredness, ambiguity and hints of something darker, plus a killer tune make this one of the best.


Name: P.J. McGee
Location: Newcastle
Fav Song: Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain by Willie
Why: It has a haunting melody and lyrics. When Willie Nelson plays his guitar and sings the song in his own inimitable style, it brings a lump to my throat every time I hear it.


Location: W.of Scotland
Favourite Country Song: Longer by Dan Fogelberg
Why: As has been said many times..too many good tunes to only pick one!!!


Name: Graham Webb
Location: Telford. England
Favourite Country Song: Casey's Last Ride - Kris Kristofferson
Why: Almost impossible to pick one Kristofferson song! If I have to I think 'Casey's Last Ride'.

Why? Just listen!


Name: JC Shepard
Location: Minnesota, USA
Favourite Country Song: Blue Yodel No.1 - Jimmie Rodgers
Why: What's more Country than the Yodelling Brakeman? "T for Texas, T for Tennessee. T for Thelma, that gal made a wreck out of me." Get on the train and ride.


Name: tony kerr
Location: Claudy
Favourite Country Song: Shelleys Winter Love by Logue&McCool
Why: This song is brilliantly sung and superbly produced. Logue&McCool are simply two superb exponents of this genre of music. To me they have no equals.


Name: Bill Sharp
Location: Branson, Missouri
Favourite Country Song: New Patches-Mel Tillis
Why: Because of the truth involved in the lyrics and the beautiful melody.


Name: Satish
Location: India
Favourite Country Song: Wish you were here - Mark Wills
Why: For the sheer tragic irony of the song. May not be on everyone's list, but surely tops mine


Name: Simon Parr
Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Favourite Country Song: Sally Goodin - The Grasscals
Why: Not in fact my favourite country song per se, but certainly one of the finest of many fine recent bluegrass cuts, a real blast, up there with the best of 'em


Name: Terry Johnson
Location: holywood,co down
Favourite Country Song: Friends in low places - live version
Why: Because Garth Brooks is a legend and the song has truth.


Name: Tom Auterson
Location: Enniskillen
Favourite Country Song: Willie Nelson blue eyes crying in the rain
Why: pure emotion


Name: Freddie Powell
Location: London, England
Favourite Country Song: Cold Cold Heart
Why: Just a perfect song...encaptures everything great about country music.


Name: Brian O'Neill
Location: Magherafelt, N.Ireland
Favourite Country Song: I take a lot of pride in what I am
Why: It's impossible to pin it down to one song but this Merle Haggard number is brillant and probalby overlooked


Name: H. Rojas
Favourite Country Song:
John Denver - Thank God I'm A Country Boy
the greatest song


Name: Bridget Gleeson
Location: Denmark
Favourite Country Song: single girl sandy posey
Why: It brings back memories from my young days.


Name: Lynsey
Location: Omagh
Favourite Country Song: Sea of heartbreak
Why: It is just a great song

Anthony Geoghegan
Location: Derry
Favourite Country Song: good year for the roses
Why: I was a wee punk rocker in the eighties when Elvis costello covered this song. It changed my whole taste in music and I still think E.C did a good job of it. But when you hear George Jones singing it then you can truly appreciate what a masterpiece it is.


Name: John Devine
Location: Glasgow
Favourite Country Song: If I Could Only Fly - Blaze Foley
Why: Simply one of the most beautiful songs every written.


Name: oonagh
Location: belfast
Favourite Country Song: you're the reason our kids are so ugly
Why: not sure who its by- but the name says it all.


Name: alyson
Location: eastkilbride
Favourite Country Song: i will always love you
Why: it is the best country song ever because dolly is the best and it was a big hit


Location: STRABANE
Favourite Country Song: trouble in the fields
Why: makes me cry


Name: Ade Mukandi
Location: Slough, uk
Favourite Country Song: sing me back home, Merle Haggard
Why: I like this song because for me it epitomises the height of country and western music. Merle Haggard sang the song from the very bottom of his heart, effortless.


Name: laura padgett
Location: aberystwyth
Favourite Country Song: dolly parton, "Shattered Image"
Why: Because its lively and upbeat. Me and my friend sing along to it quite a lot. It cheers you up.


Name: Steve Miller
Location: Cheltenham, England
Favourite Country Song: Boulder to Birmingham - Emmylou Harris
Why: Emmylou has been one of most consistent country performers for the last 30 years. This song articulates the pain of loss like no other (of Gram Parsons), as well having a great vox and arrangement. There's no better song


Name: James Munro
Location: Conway& Tucson
Favourite Country Song: Cross the brasos at Weiko
Why: Billy Walker is to country music as Arnold Palmer is to golf!

Name: Liz Wilson
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Favourite Country Song: Shipwrecked in the eighties by the one and only Kris Kristofferson
Why: Love all (the man's) work, he's a fantastic, brilliant writer, but this song just 'does it for me' everytime. Can mean something different to me every time I hear it.


Name: Peggy McPherson
Location: North Carolina USA
Favourite Country Song: Walking After Midnight
Why: I can see it happening. When I was a young girl a group of us kids would walk late at night in the breeze. We had willow trees and I remember the boughs swaying in the wind.




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