If you're off mitching, and you nip down a loanin with your muckers, would you have a poke of ice cream because you're starving with the cold, or just put on a ganzie?
The old words that have been used in Northern Ireland for generations are under threat. A linguistics expert, Professor Loreto Todd, from the University of Ulster, says parts of the language linked to our old industries and habits are also almost extinct. She told Mark Patterson that as long as a language lives it will grow and parts will drop off, and gave one explanation of why many a mickle makes a muckle. The show also heard the memories of from local people at Age Concern of older expressions, with Paul Mullin asking the questions.
Gurn - complain
Gutties - trainers
Poke - ice cream
Starving - freezing
Mitch - play truant
Sheugh - ditch
Snicket - alleyway
Loanin - alleyway
Ganzie - sweater
Mucker - friend
Ditch - wall
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