The aim of the project is to bring a group of
young people together to get involved in creating
their own allotment. As well as learning new
skills this is an opportunity for them to work
as a team, develop and improve on existing relationships,
to pride themselves on producing their own food,
to get fit and, most importantly, to have fun!
are by no means experts in growing vegetables.
This project will be a steep learning curve
for us all and hopefully the skills acquired
will stay with the young people and inspire
Aftercare Services (MACS) is a voluntary, charitable
organisation with offices in Belfast, Downpatrick
and the Colin area. We develop, promote and
provide a range of services, which includes
housing, mentoring and floating support projects
for young people aged 16-25 who have experienced
care, have had contact with health and social
services trust and/or are vulnerable. These
services will integrate them into a network
which includes housing, employment, recreation,
education, and personal development opportunities.
contact us with any useful tips and advice for
our allotment. Fill in the form below and click
the submit button.
what others have advised...禄