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Gig Review
Oxjam Charity Gig
Loads of bands? A ridiculously small space? Loads of good music? And it's for charity? We're there!

First off, Kasper Rosa are coming along nicely, a more focussed and better band than before, and still delightfully disrespectful of that whole 'stage-audience boundary' convention. The Rupture Dogs are also developing - experimenting a bit and still battering out devilish songs like 'Joe' and 'Shoots To Thrill', both of which will have Josh Homme looking through his note-books to see if he did them first. I would crown them the kings of the new generation coming through on the heels of LaFaro and FWW, but for Gascan Ruckus who, despite looking about 12, literally shed blood for the cause, and sound like hoary old rockers. They also appear to be enjoying themselves tremendously, and why not when they're this much fun?

The Key Of Atlas continue their rise with their intense but catchy songs, and know the value of a good bounce and sing-along. And let's face it, when a band gets a stage invasion going, it's always a good sign. Credit must also go to Rams' Pocket Radio for producing ear-splitting screams from the ladies present, whilst John Shelley & The Creatures prove that we've got probably too much music in this country right now because anywhere else they'd be huge, straddling the line between nice and nasty a la Mumford. As for A Plastic Rose - consummate professional chaos merchants. They can start riots with their anthems, and one seemed to start here.

With regards to the downsides, exhaustion would be the main one. The chaos of the evening as gremlins sneaked in with difficulties for the bands - Pete Rams' being forced to perch his keyboard on two bar-stools after the stand broke, and various other minor difficulties all quickly resolved.

And the major highlight - loadsamoney raised for a good cause.

William Johnston

Full Line Up:
A Plastic Rose, John, Shelley & the Creatures, Rams' Pocket Radio, Furlo, Colenso Parade, Key of Atlas, The Rupture Dogs, Gascan Ruckus, Pretty Child Backfire, Kasper Rosa, Dirty Stevie...

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Gig Details
Venue: Cellar Bar
Location: Draperstown
Date: 9/10/2010

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