How to post a message (hint: you may want to print off these
1) Got to the 成人快手 Norfolk index and click on the topic you want to contribute
to, e.g. Norfolk dialect.
2) You will then be taken to the message board for
that topic. Here you need to log in with your login name
and password at the top of the page.
3) To respond to a topic or start a new discussion
on the same subject (eg football), click on the reply
link to any of the comments made.
4) Type your message, and if you want an email
when someone replies to your message, click on the box. If not,
leave blank.
5) Once you have written your message, click on
preview message at the bottom of the page.
6) You can now see what your message will look like.
If you are happy with your message click on post it. If you
want to change it, click on edit, and if you want to cancel
it, click on cancel.
7) Once you have posted it, it will take a few minutes
to appear on the website.
8) If you want to start a new topic discussion you
need to click on the back to discussion list and then click
on start new discussion.
Don't forget to log out when you have finished!
to go to our message boards.