
Museum shows teacher's collection of confiscated toys

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Collection of confiscated toys.
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A teacher has put together a display of banned toys he took off children in the classroom during his career. The collection is being shown at the Victoria and Albert Museum of Childhood in London. All these toys were taken from girls.

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The toys were taken by teacher and artist Guy Tarrant from London schoolchildren in 150 different schools. These were all taken from boys.

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The owners of this storm trooper and knight must have been pretty upset when they were taken off them.

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This smiley ball was taken from a year 6 girl in central London.

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This plastic lizard was taken off a boy, no reptiles allowed in the classroom.

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Troll dolls were definitely not allowed in Mr Tarrant's class. He took this one off a year 6 girl.

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A happy meal toy is also part of the collection.

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Not what you might expect to see in a year 10 class, a baby's dummy!

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This random collection of bits and bobs includes a fake eyeball, sweets and an ink cartridge, gross!

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Poor old Mr T. The A Team action figure has lost his head.