Cheeky boar leaves nudist grunting in laptop chase

Image source, Adele landauer

A nudist in Berlin got too close to nature for comfort when a wild boar snatched his plastic bag - which had his laptop inside.

The naked man gave chase to the boar and her two piglets - much to the amusement of fellow sunbathers.

Adele Landauer, an actor and life coach, took photos of the chase at Teufelssee - a popular bathing spot - and put them on Facebook.

"Nature strikes back!" she wrote, adding that the man laughed it all off.

"He gave it his all", with not a stitch on, she reported. "I then showed the photos to the man, he laughed soundly and authorised me to make them public."

'He was very focused'

Ms Landauer provided more details , saying the incident was a good example of someone persevering to achieve their goal.

She said there were many nude sunbathers at the spot when the wild boars appeared.

While the man was bathing, she writes, the boars calmly ate a pizza from his backpack and then "they were looking for a dessert".

"They found this yellow bag and decided to take it away. But the man who owned it realized it was the bag with his laptop.

"So, he was very focused and run [sic] behind the boars in order to get it back."

The onlookers "adored him how focused he stayed and when he came back with his yellow bag in the hand we all clapped and congratulated him for his success".

There is a strong tradition of naturism in Germany, where in summer it is quite normal for people to strip off in parks. The back-to-nature movement is known as Freik枚rperkultur - "free body culture" - or FKK for short.

Wednesday's incident comes just days after a particularly bold urban fox in Berlin was found to have walked off with dozens of people's shoes, which they had unwisely left in their gardens.

In the coronavirus lockdown there were many reports of animals becoming more daring, taking advantage of empty public spaces. Wild boar have already made themselves at home in some Berlin suburbs.

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