
Unemployment rate in Wales falls

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Job centreImage source, Getty Images

Unemployment in Wales has fallen, with 4.4% of people over 16 not in work who want to be.

The latest figures from January to March show there were 9,000 fewer unemployed people compared to October to December 2017, and 5,000 fewer than the same period last year.

The rate is still slightly higher than the UK as a whole, which has an unemployment rate of 4.2%.

However, Wales has the second lowest rate of its population in employment.

There are 73.4% working, compared to 75.6% across the UK.

Only Northern Ireland has a lower proportion of over 16-year-olds employed.

People who are not working but not registered as seeking work do not appear on unemployment statistics.

First Minister Carwyn Jones said the Welsh employment rate was close to an "historic high".

He added: "This is welcome news and testament to our hard work to support Wales' economy in what are economically challenging times."

Welsh Secretary Alun Cairns said: "Today's figures show another strong quarter in the Welsh jobs market with 19,000 people finding jobs. The sharp dip in in the unemployment rate is also welcome and reflects the fact we are narrowing the gap with the rest of the UK."